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SweetFX to Reshade
Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
Hello I'm looking for someone who could reproduce my SweetFX in Reshade compatible with Vulkan/DX12 please. My file: http://www.mediafire.com/file/gv5jozv97pt02x6/SweetFX.cfg/file
Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
Can someone help me please ? Or any possiblity to use SweetFX DX12/Vulkan ?
Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
Hello : It's not so complicated to do, simply install reshade on your game then activate the same shader you use in your SweetFX conf and finnally reapply the same settings. I have one little question : Why the hell do you use so much shaders : SMAA FXAA BLOOM HDR LUMASHARPEN TECHNICOLOR TECHNICOLOR2 DPX LIFTGAMMAGAIN TONEMAP VIBRANCE CURVES Why Smaa and Fxaa ?? Why Technicolor and Technicolor 2 ?? I personnally think your preset is out of balance. You made if for what game ?
Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
The FXAA i forgot to remove it ... I did this preset for The Division 2 and it also goes on the Assassin's Creed Origins - odyssey, Mass Effect Andromeda and others where I use it. Technicolor and Technicolor 2 is a choice I made to have what I found nice to my view as for all the other options in this preset. And now, i want test it for Red Dead Redemption 2 but DX12/Vulkan... :(
Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
I dont understand how can you apply the same shaders settings for games that dont have the same visual result at all. You have to aim the result you want but you have to always make your settings for the game you play :). Anyway, You know you can delete some of your shaders by using others and have the same result or better result. Clarity (sharpen+contrasts), Curves, PPFXBloom (betterbloom), Colourfullness, Adaptative sharpen, Smaa. If you want you can add technicolor but just a little because the combo clarity + curves + colorfullness can produce a better result And for Tonemap i dont know what color map you aim to produce ^^. // For RDR2 reshade dont work well for now : https://reshade.me/forum/releases/5923-4-4?start=100#36748
Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
I don't know how to explain my choices but every time I use my preset on a game, it suits me. It is close to the basic colors of the game while giving them a little boost, it brings out textures without being too strong and above all it removes the blur that there is in all games :x
Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
Edited 5 years, 4 months ago
I see what you're trying to do. In that case you dont need to have all of this shader to produce a realistic and clean visual rendering. Simply use Reshade with somthing like : https://pastebin.com/8yWZN7xD Also you have to order your shaders like this : 1 : all the shaders that modify the luma/chroma/contrast/... like Clarity, Levels, curve, Colourfulness, the Bloom effect, ... 2 : all the shaders that add visuel effect like : all the sharpen effects, anti-aliasing effect,.. And then test it and tweak it. Dont forget the first rule is : the final render has to be like nothing have been apply to produce a natual and perfect visual rendering. Each shaders has to be apply with jusy a little strenght, not to much not too little but just above "too little" ^^
Posted 5 years, 3 months ago
Ok thank you ^^
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