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Metal Gear Solid V
Posted 7 years, 9 months ago
I've read a few discussions on this, one with a response from crosire. Apparently newer builds are not compatible with the game so you won't be able to use newer features like in the 3.0 builds, so you'll only get to add color filters, etc. I'm DYING to test out MXAO and ambient light on this game, but the devs won't go through the trouble. Personally, I think its going to happen sometime so why turn a blind eye? The game's visual models are one of the most underrated I've seen. Engines like FOX and Decima are arguably the best game engines in gaming right now. So why bother modding? Because its precisely the reason why it deserves to be tested. Not only could you make older games look better, but you can make newer games look even more visually stunning. While I admit that MXAO has a cost in frame rate, there are a few settings for it that can improve it. But this is not easily achievable with Ambient Light. Nonetheless, I would love a dedicated build for TTP.
Posted 7 years, 9 months ago
Posted 7 years, 9 months ago
Reshade doesn't work with TPP. Try "I can't believe it's Reshade".
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