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Report feature?
Posted 10 years ago
I noticed some people tend to upload presets of games in wrong games. Others tend to upload a preset with no settings or anything, just blank or has adgha in it. A report feature to have highter authorities of the site investigate and decide upon removing the preset or not would be nice? Or if its the wrong game moving it? Cheers, Ghost
Posted 10 years ago
If you encounter anything of that nature, let me know either here or send me a message on Steam (OmnipotusX) or leave a comment on SweetFX Junkies steam group, either or would get my attention, I'm always deleting empty presets and "mistakes" but I'm also always missing some lol.
Posted 10 years ago
I noticed that there is sometimes multiple categories for the same game. as example Grand Theft Auto IV and GTA IV or GTA 4. Idk just something i noted. Its not a problem but yeah
Posted 10 years ago
I've noticed this too, just let me know when you see issues like this so I can fix em :D Edit - Just fixed up and merged all the Grand Theft Auto IV and San Andreas presets together as well as Guild Wars 2 :D
Posted 10 years ago
Nice! Merging the categories was really needed. That always bothered me too. Thanks
Posted 10 years ago
Stop bitching :P Just kidding guys :) Good job Omnipotus :)
Posted 10 years ago
Well another one i noticed is that people create a seperate game for a dlc. Like sleeping dogs or xcom. I mean i realise they might be completely different games, but personaly i dont see how they should be seperated from a list cause they look and work pretty much the same.
Posted 10 years ago
This is a good idea, I'll see if I get around to it.. Things have been rather busy the last weeks. Also, I added GemFX as version option for presets. I hope I get time to do some changes to the version option, and make it a bit more flexible and useful.
Posted 10 years ago
Report feature would be nice, if I remember correctly I've been bugging you for that option for a while now old bean :D It would make my "job" alot easier and make me get off my ass a bit more to help out around here, I'm going to be making some 1.5.1 SFX and possibly some ReShade presets today... FINALLY. lol.. been MONTHS since I've been active, could you put in an optional (ReShade "Open Beta") in the list as well? People are making a few, quite a few games work 100% with ReShade + MasterEffect/SFX shaders and I'd love to start making presets instead of just mindlessly testing 100's of games with ReShade, i need to mix things up or I'm gonna go insane LOL. Giving me and others a spot to post what lil presets with make with it would help me and others I think, perhaps seeing it listed with help recruit more folks to the cause in beta testing ReShade, thus helping me out as well lol, win/win for everyone. eFX is still listed, even tho not many presets were made and it has been abanonded (for ReShade) It's a nice little footnote in history that it did exist, ReShade "Open Beta" option would also be a little spot in history on this site, regardless if many presets get made or not, I for one wouldn't mind the listing, I've seen some screenies of what people have been doing with ReShade 0.14.0 and... honestly.. stunning to say the least sooo there is deffinately a few folks out their who would love that listed. Never heard of GemFX, always nice to see more options for folks tho. Smootches :D *Edit - Just looked into GemFX, damnnnnnn, I think I'm in love :D
Posted 10 years ago
It is bugging me too! GemFX is Sweet as Hell :)
Posted 9 years, 7 months ago
three witcher 3 categories with nothing inside
Posted 9 years, 7 months ago
Feature needed: Allow poster to remove there own thread for period XYZ And here I was..doing to much all at once. And there for I posted my preset for the Witcher-3 in Witcher-2 Enhanced thread. I'm a system administrator my self and don't like it at all when people carelessly dump all there stuff in my environment. So logicically I searched for a move or remove post option but unfortunate there is non. I strongly suggest to upgrade you're forum software so that it will grand the poster the right to remove/move his or her post for some limited period. Because when to many people make these kind of mistakes the site will eventually become hard to manage. I hid my misplaced files from view so that other people don't have to get confused about it. But now some homeless files using up space in the SQL DB for no reason at all... that's a waste of resources. Have fun, Megnatar Stardust
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