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Dark Theme for SFX Database
Posted 9 years, 3 months ago
Edited 8 years, 5 months ago
Hello, I know I'm not very active but after recently learning HTML & CSS I decided to make a dark theme for the database (Which is edited from the base theme). I've spent a few days on it and I feel it's mostly done and ready for public use. I was a bit wary about posting this as there is no formal post or section for such a thing but I hope you enjoy. :) 4 images can be found here: http://imgur.com/a/tRpZ8 Just in case you want to look at it before you use it. 1. Direct link to edit profile (may want to open this in a new tab): http://sfx.thelazy.net/users/profile/ 2. Copy this link: https://cdn.rawgit.com/zomgerd/SweetFXDB-Dark-Theme/7ed8efe8c43d6cc62a27db457667af6d35734b6f/SFXDBDark.css 3. Paste the link in the CSS URL text area and save. And boom, you now have the dark theme. *update* If you are current user of this theme, you must grab the new link above. I had to switch hosts due to google's upcoming shut down of the web hosting side of google drive.
Posted 9 years, 3 months ago
Thanks man, looks pretty good. I prefer a dark theme myself too :D
Posted 9 years, 3 months ago
Thanks and yeah, it's far easier on the eyes, especially when the lights are off.
Posted 9 years, 3 months ago
Zomgerd this looks stunning :)
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
Thanks, glad you like it! :D
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
thanks for this !!
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
You're Welcome. :)
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
Thx bro. My eyes feel much better.
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
Great job. It's a practical, and very useful contribution. Little projects like these are very helpful for so many reasons; and have the added bonus of giving you real world experience and practice. If I may, I would suggest thinking about trying to tackle writing plugins/modules for say, Wordpress, or Drupal. HTML5, and css are such robust and powerful tools. Even something simple like a photo viewer similar to this sites; that has a slider for viewing before and after. Or anything that you can think of that you want to add more functionality or form to. I apologize if you don't care and know what to do already, but I couldn't help myself. Anyways, thanks and have a nice week.
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
@dedicateddark: You're welcome and I'm glad your eyes are not being strained as a result of this theme. :) @Peer_Review: Thanks; I haven't really even been practicing my HTML & CSS lately so I don't really think I'll be getting into anything else at this time. Frankly I'm a pretty lazy person until I find a motivation or reason to do something which is how I eventually came to learn a little HTML & CSS because I was tired of looking at the SweetFX database in all it's whiteness. I'm sure if I had reason or a need to learn more than what I do now I would but as of right now I just don't.
Posted 9 years, 1 month ago
Finally someone did it! Thanks =D
Posted 9 years, 1 month ago
I have to say this is a big improvement, but how would I go about changing the font?
Posted 9 years, 1 month ago
Jak - You're Welcome, however k-putt did make a theme that was less eye straining long before me but it was more light gray than anything else. Notato - You'll have to resort to Stylish for that. Here are two example images of how you can set it up. First image- This is site wide and effects ALL text areas, however I'd only use this if you just wanted one font for the whole site which I only recommend if you want just the font changed: https://i.gyazo.com/48b23bf680d72fc7c388794e52ee79c8.png Second Image - This is more specific text areas, with this you'd be able to change size and/or change the font without the whole site being changed but specific portions of it. I recommend this is if you would like to mix and match font families or sizes: https://i.gyazo.com/4b78423a0d8c5fa8e42f6d9e4bc1788c.png A couple of things to note: First, I have no idea how many font families there are that you can use but I'm sure a Google search will help you there. Second, if you want to change the size of the fonts the line would be "font-size: 12px;" without quotations inside the brackets, it can be below or above the font-family value and they can be larger or smaller than 12px.
Posted 8 years, 5 months ago
Google is shutting down the web hosting function that I use(d) to host the CSS file at the end of this month so I've had to change the host. I'm using github, albeit a really work aroundy kind of way by using Rawgit to change how the actually code is seen and believe me it's just a weird setup. The new link is above and ready for use.
Posted 8 years, 5 months ago
Great I prefer black too
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