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Salt and Wind

Created by perrisloquis
Added Oct. 12, 2021
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
Hello friends I wanted to share Salt & Wind a new Reshade for the Maelstrom Engine that works with [USER=23883]@ChezJfrey[/USER] , [USER=24519]@Mirsaneli[/USER] , and [USER=26764]@mitrokosta[/USER] 's amazing adaptation of NH to the storm engine. I want this reshade to be a tribute to their work, which I feel brings a new life to NH, and to their ability to work together to heal a long-standing rift that can only result in amazing things for all pirate lovers out there. More details here: WIP - Porting New Horizons to Maelstrom Engine and here: Notice - New Horizons on Maelstrom 2.8.4 Engine ------- Since Malestrom works in DirectX9, you can take advantage of the amazing Reshade post-processing framework. My aim is to modernize the visuals and bring a more vibrant and sunny Caribbean feeling. This reshade adds: 1. Tonemap changes to remove and balance the original bluish tint and make the Caribbean brighter. 2. Adaptative Bloom to give a stronger impression of light and darkness, adding more depth to the game. Nights feel darker now. 3. A combination of anti-aliasing algorithms to soften the sharp edges of the old graphics, making the game nicer and softer on the eyes. DOWNLOAD: You can download it here: https://mega.nz/file/A9ljmQCS#LdwCaS6jfji-Beo1kIYp8EF7KzKQUJZFJvuNro94N_k VERY IMPORTANT: Make sure you turn off both anti-aliasing and postprocessing in the Maelstrom engine configuration. INSTALLATION: 1. Download the reshade installer (4.9.1 at the time of this release): ReShade . 2. Run it. 3. Click the button that says "Click here to select a game and manage its Reshade installation". 4. Click on "Browse" and point it to the Maelstrom executable you are using (for me it is D:\Maelstrom\gentlemen-of-fortune-maelstrom-engine\DirectX9_64bit\Maelstrom.exe). 5. Click on Direct3D 9. 6. Click on "Unchek All". 7. Click on "Ok". 8. Place the contents of the zip file inside the folder containing the executable you chose and overwrite all. The folder structure inside the folder with the Maelstrom.exe executable should look something like this: ACTIVATION: If Reshade installed properly, you should see a message telling you Reshade is running, once you start the game. In order to activate the profile, follow this instructions. 1. Press 'Home' to bring the Reshade UI. 2. If it is your first time, follow the tutorial. It is short and sweet. 3. Click on either the left or right pointing arrow buttons at the top left corner of the screen to select the profile you want. 4. Profit. PERFORMANCE: I see no impact on performance using reshade on the integrated Intel video card of my laptop. However, I included a "Potato" profile without anti-aliasing, in case you want to try it. I also included a "No_preset" profile so that you can compare the game with and without reshade.
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PreprocessorDefinitions= Techniques=AdaptiveTonemapper@AdaptiveTonemapper.fx,Blooming_HDR@BloomingHDR.fx,DPX@DPX.fx,FXAA@FXAA.fx,Normal_Filter_Anti_Aliasing@NFAA.fx,prod80_01_Color_Gamut@PD80_01_Color_Gamut.fx,prod80_01A_RT_Correct_Contrast@PD80_01A_RT_Correct_Contrast.fx,prod80_02_Bonus_LUT_pack@PD80_02_Bonus_LUT_pack.fx,SMAA@SMAA.fx TechniqueSorting=AdaptiveTonemapper@AdaptiveTonemapper.fx,Blooming_HDR@BloomingHDR.fx,DPX@DPX.fx,FXAA@FXAA.fx,Normal_Filter_Anti_Aliasing@NFAA.fx,prod80_01_Color_Gamut@PD80_01_Color_Gamut.fx,prod80_01A_RT_Correct_Contrast@PD80_01A_RT_Correct_Contrast.fx,prod80_02_Bonus_LUT_pack@PD80_02_Bonus_LUT_pack.fx,SMAA@SMAA.fx,Daltonize@Daltonize.fx,Deband@Deband.fx,DisplayDepth@DisplayDepth.fx,LUT@LUT.fx,UIMask_Bottom@UIMask.fx,UIMask_Top@UIMask.fx [AdaptiveTonemapper.fx] AdaptFocalPoint=0.500000,0.500000 AdaptPrecision=0 AdaptRange=0.200000,1.000000 AdaptSensitivity=1.000000 AdaptTime=1.000000 Amount=0.541000 Exposure=-0.625000 FixWhitePoint=1 TonemapOperator=1 [BloomingHDR.fx] Adapt_Adjust=0.500000 Adapt_Seek=0.500000 Auto_Bloom=5 Auto_Exposure=0 BloomCurve=2.000000 BloomSensitivity=1.000000 Bloom_BA_iToneMapper=0 Bloom_Intensity=0.100000,0.500000 Bloom_Spread=1.000000 CBT_Adjust=0.500000 Contrast=1.000000 Debug_View=0 Dither_Bloom=0.125000 Exp=0.000000 Gamma=2.200000 GreyValue=0.128000 HDR_BP=0.500000 Inv_Tonemappers=2 Saturate=1.000000 Saturation=0.250000,0.250000 Tonemappers=0 WP=1.000000 [DPX.fx] Colorfulness=2.101000 Contrast=0.389000 RGB_C=0.360000,0.360000,0.340000 RGB_Curve=8.000000,8.000000,8.000000 Saturation=1.104000 Strength=0.327000 [FXAA.fx] EdgeThreshold=0.125000 EdgeThresholdMin=0.000000 Subpix=0.250000 [NFAA.fx] AA_Adjust=16 HFR_AA=0 HFR_Adjust=0.500000 Mask_Adjust=1.000000 View_Mode=0 [PD80_01A_RT_Correct_Contrast.fx] enable_fade=1 freeze=0 rt_bp_str=1.000000 rt_enable_blackpoint_correction=1 rt_enable_whitepoint_correction=0 rt_wp_str=1.000000 transition_speed=0.500000 [PD80_01_Color_Gamut.fx] colorgamut=5 [PD80_02_Bonus_LUT_pack.fx] dither_strength=1.000000 enable_dither=1 ib=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 ig=1.000000 iw=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 ob=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 ow=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 PD80_Intensity=1.000000 PD80_LutSelector=26 PD80_MixChroma=1.000000 PD80_MixLuma=1.000000 [SMAA.fx] CornerRounding=25 DebugOutput=0 DepthEdgeDetectionThreshold=0.010000 EdgeDetectionThreshold=0.100000 EdgeDetectionType=1 MaxSearchSteps=32 MaxSearchStepsDiagonal=16 PredicationEnabled=0 PredicationScale=2.000000 PredicationStrength=0.400000 PredicationThreshold=0.010000


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