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Created by Leone
Added Jan. 7, 2023
Updated 19 Mar 20:05 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
Discord server: https://discord.gg/dpCUwm2A **********PLEASE READ EVERYTHING BEFORE SAYING IT'S NOT WORKING! THANK YOU!********** Everything you need to know and answers are in this sheet so please utilize this as much as possible. *********The picture below should be enough for you to see the difference*********** INTRO: Hi. I am back a bit and still busy. If you're playing MHRSB and couldn't install the reshade, yes because it's using the base dx12 for the game which is a bit annoying for reshade users but there's a fix for that. First of all, I'll be giving credit to this link who made this. https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterrise/mods/29 Okay let's start, here's a sample run video of the reshade settings I've been using for Rise:Sunbreak: https://youtu.be/dyFKt_MHDh0 Sorry, no screenshot as I don't have time to do it. ***WHAT THE PRESET CAN GIVE YOU** -Gives you real dark / black colors. It means that if it's night, and there's no light available to light up the way, you won't be getting any like with other games I've provided reshade with. -Smooths edges, gives lighting, and more graphical presentation, making you feel your previous most loved Monster Hunter World being played again. -Real realistic colors -Etc, just it find out yourselves HAHAHA ***WHAT YOU NEED TO DO*** Base preset: https://mega.nz/file/30VgxY6T#Ax6tUeR2kdyH_AH3eqDbP6WMlIZImxFn_I4dXHDFKA4 First, you'll be needing to extract this folder to your Monster Hunter Rise folder. Don't just extract, make sure it should look like this: MonsterHunterRise > reshade-shaders > not MonsterHunterRise > reshade-shaders > reshade-shaders > Injector Helper: https://mega.nz/file/T9FAybBa#uSF69xQ7s5AkaiEfy7NDf9adhrZigEb-NhDKD991SqI You can extract this anywhere you want and need to make sure that you look for the exe file if asked but it should be automatic. *******************************************************IMPORTANT******************************************************* You need to execute the MHR - Reshade Injector Helper.exe for this to work *********************************************************************************************************************** **CONTROLLER / STEAM USERS, PLS READ THIS** By using the injector helper, sometimes, it won't load your controller as the injector helper isn't associated with steam or capcom and I can assure you it's virus-free otherwise, I won't be posting this. Tutorial: Just keep restarting the game until you see the steam info being loaded at the lower right corner of your screen. It won't take long. Sometimes, it will load right away. Tip: Just alt-tab then close the game if it's not loading on the lower right corner of the screen while the poster for both rise and sunbreak is being loaded if the steam message isn't appearing along with the controller configuration notification. ***P.S*** Comment if it worked right away or if it took some time for it to load. Trust me, it'll always be like this! 😂
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