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~ REPLICANT ReShade DXMD ~ v08

Created by phroZac
Added Aug. 23, 2016
Updated 22 May 00:29 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
As with the preset I made for Human Revolution, the goal of REPLICANT ReShade is to enhance the cinematic quality of Mankind Divided. Two versions are available: Warm and Cool. The pics with letterbox are from the warm preset. The borders are only for screenshots. They're disabled in the download links. **I recommend turning off in-game Chromatic Aberration. I've enabled subtle CA through Fisheye CA and YACA.** SHADERS USED Lumasharpen DPX(Warm preset only) Liftgammagain Tonemap Sepia(Warm preset only) Vignette Tuningpalette Tiltshift* Fisheye CA YACA *If you hate the slight blur from Tiltshift, you can turn it off by going into ReShade\Presets\Default\Shaders_by_Ganossa and changing this line: #define USE_TILTSHIFT 1 to look like this: #define USE_TILTSHIFT 0 INSTALLATION 1. Download your preferred preset here: WARM: https://mega.nz/#!lUEU0RRD!1YE79DXdQXcDuAvVFAmC5ip7Qrf3zGdlVJ-4G6EUTmM COOL: https://mega.nz/#!AEt3HDbY!cJ6sCmli6yQJgLzaFiaJVqxKUVNFPVSqOKKXOFD3zkM 2. Extract the contents of the archive anywhere and then from inside the "~ REPLICANT ReShade ~" folder, copy all files into your Deus Ex Mankind Divided game folder normally located at: ...\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Deus Ex Mankind Divided\retail. Overwrite when prompted. That's it! Revel in your time! When you start the game you should see the ReShade text pop up in the upper left indicating proper installation. >>Scroll Lock<< toggles on/off ReShade so you can see the difference the preset makes.
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Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion


12 Dec 12:54 CET

Hi, Dunk. No idea when you posted that comment, so I'm sorry if this is a super delayed response, but this preset was made on a very old version of ReShade at this point. You'd have to use an older version from 2016-17, I assume. Sorry, I haven't bothered to update it as I haven't played MD in years. Thanks for the compliments though and I'm happy you like my stuff :)

30 Nov 22:41 CET

Hey Phrozac. Since i changed my old computer for a new one, i can't use properly this magnificent reshade. Only half of the effects are loading (no Sepia, no DPX, etc). I have the same problem with your incredible Dark Souls 3 reshade. All your more recent reshades are working fine though. Do you know what possibly could be happening ? Thanks a lot for your answer, and keep up the great work.

4 Oct 22:15 CEST

Such a shame it doesn't work in dx12 mode. Love the replicant reshade for HR but I can't use it for this game because I lose 20 fps going to dx11.

1 May 22:41 CEST

@revolverswitch - I made this preset almost 2 years ago with an older version of ReShade. That version is included in the archive I linked.

26 Mar 13:05 CEST

hello I'm new here, it seems reshade 3 can't detect some of the effects in this preset. Is anyone else having this problem too?

25 Jan 04:48 CET

Are you talking about ReShade 3's launcher?
This is an older version of ReShade.

28 Dec 18:30 CET

cool preset Not working for me
the launcher dont start at all
im using win7

28 Nov 18:32 CET

@hasrock - You can ignore the yellow warning. d3d11 is what I use, and it works fine. There's no difference between the two. More info on that here:

28 Nov 07:57 CET

And I also have this issue: https://k60.kn3.net/4BA70F91C.png

28 Nov 07:48 CET

Hi, thanks for this but I have the same problem as everyone: the game crashes with dxgi but not in d3d11 (not sure if it is the same).

2 Sep 04:50 CEST

Huge jump in performance with really no loss in graphical fidelity. Good stuff.

30 Aug 19:45 CEST

l00ping! Thanks, man. Still using your LUT for some of my presets. You gonna make one for MD too?

30 Aug 18:37 CEST

Really nice preset man.

28 Aug 23:03 CEST

That's strange. I just tested it out here and no problems...technology.

28 Aug 20:07 CEST

It's weird because even if I rename your d3d11 dll to dxgi, it still doesn't work. No idea what the problem is there.

28 Aug 19:47 CEST

Ahh, I see what's going on. I'm using the ReShade64.dll and renaming it to d3d11. Not sure of the difference between that and renaming it to dxgi. Apparently it doesn't work for everyone.

28 Aug 18:59 CEST

The d3d11 file doesn't work. I had to use the one from v04a.

28 Aug 18:55 CEST

It doesnt work for me :( , I tried everything nothing works

28 Aug 18:15 CEST

Robo - You must have gotten some files mixed up, because that d3d11.dll is the same file I've been using all along.

28 Aug 17:23 CEST

Ok, it works now. The d3d11.dll in the archive is outdated and doesnt work.

28 Aug 17:22 CEST

It doesnt work. I dont know what I did wrong, see the picture - http://puu.sh/qRscb/e6eace2e27.png

28 Aug 11:46 CEST

Thanks, Tsyr! That's awesome about HR. ReShade really helps that game. One of these days I'll even finish it...

28 Aug 03:00 CEST


That screenshot looks fantastic, dude. Your preset is why I was able to stomach a final playthrough of Human Revolution. Can't wait to see the final product for Mankind Divided.

28 Aug 00:27 CEST

Thanks, man. Working on a warm-toned version now. Totally different feel. :)

27 Aug 13:20 CEST

I like whr this is going keep up the good work.

24 Aug 14:19 CEST

Thanks! None so far.

24 Aug 13:12 CEST

Man this looks ridiculously amazing thanks. Are you experiencing any crashes at all ?

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