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Created by alexul2009
Added Feb. 17, 2017
Updated 15 Mar 11:15 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
If you want to use TBFIX with this preset then u should turn off "fix Blocky map menu" in tbfix or fps will be HORRIBLE This preset may lower your fps. (my gpu is an old overclocked hd 7950, it runs the game at 60 fps reshade + tbfix, sometimes fps drops for a few seconds but it's mostly 60 fps) This preset uses: -mxao -ambient light -dpx -vibrance -hdr -fxaa -lumasharpen -ca 1. Download and install Reshade 3.X from ReShade.me 2. Install Reshade (click on Direct X 8/9 when you install reshade) 3. When prompted to download preset shaders press Yes. 4. Download my preset file and move it into the game folder. 5. Start the game and press Shift + F2 to open the config menu. 6. If it's the first time you open the config menu, you'll get a tutorial you can ignore it. 7. The preset drop down list should show my preset, click it then press reload, Done.
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25 Feb 17:57 CET

i forgot to mention temps .. my temps with oc are at 63-66 celcius and the fan is at 65% at that point

25 Feb 17:55 CET

Mine is a sapphire 7950 oc dual .. i use sapphire trix an old version to oc (cuz the new one trix version doesn't let me change voltage) my numbers may not work for u.

1025 gpu clock VDDC 1093
i don't oc memory because i would have to oc from 1250 to 1500+ and the gain would be 0.5-1 frame so it's not worth overclocking memory

here are more oc examples


25 Feb 15:50 CET

good preset... i also have 7950(gigabyte windforce) but not overclocked. can you tell me what numbers/values you have put to overclock mine?

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