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Silken preset (ReShade 2.0)

Preset for Dark Souls 3
Created by foudelou
Added April 9, 2017
Updated 11 Apr 14:03 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
Updated version for Reshade 3.0 here : Silken preset (ReShade 3.0) for Dark Souls 3 This subtle preset adds in depth to the image and soften it, the lighting is more natural, and colors are a bit more vivid and feels less detached, it counterbalance the image that can be dull at times. It works well in every conditions but I haven't tested the DLCs yet. Performance-wise it shouldn't be a problem. The added darkness should require the torch for some places. If you don't like the darkness or the Depth of field I've added alternative files (which you can mix) It uses Reshade 2.0, everything is here : http://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2YEEq3K07GdZno3cXkwdDNVOW8 IMPORTANT : The brightness in game should be calibrated, not for my preset in particular but because by default it's too high. Maybe just this can be enough to your tastes /!\ All my screenshots are taken with in-game brightness set to 0 or 1, they can seem dark, especially if not in fullscreen. Installation : Copy the ReShade directory, dxgi.dll and ReShade.fx in \steamapps\common\DARK SOULS III\Game, where DarkSoulsIII.exe is. If you don't want the added darkness or the Depth of field, you just have to pick the version of your choice AFTER having installed the main files. Enter one of the directory marked with "=== ===" and copy the "ReShade" directory into your "Game" directory, it should ask you to replace the files, click Ok. Steam overlay works fine with it. There is only one slight issue to my knowledge : the interface and text can and will be blurry because of the DoF. You can temporarily deactivate the preset when navigating in the menus. The yellow warning at start isn't important. Activate/deactivate : Scroll Lock Take a screenshot : Print Screen, but Steam works as well Effects used : LiftGammaGain, Tonemap, Curves and HSV for the balancing of colors Ambiant Light for better and more realistic lights Matso's DOF to replace the poor default one more complete description here http://www.nexusmods.com/darksouls3/mods/167/?
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