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Legionnaire' Cinematic FX | V.0.4

Created by Little_Legionaire
Added Oct. 7, 2017
Updated 4 Aug 01:04 CEST
Shader used: GemFX
Preset description:
After countless tweaks to find optimal settings here we are! This is the final version of my GEM setting. Preset' purpose is giving much more natural colour spectrum and darker and gloomy setting while keeping vibrant spectrum of Jungles of Lustria. To achive the optimal settings i picked nearly all battle maps and different campaign start position and made a lot of tweak and test before calling it as FINAL. Download the preset from here, http://www.mediafire.com/file/zzzr0c5xw41czku/GEMFX_settings.zip/file Recommended settings, (default values) Gamme/Brightness values may vary in between LCD panel types and color calibration. So, you'll need to tweak your own values if necessary. I strongly recommend all to sub my Darker and Deeper Sea mod from Steam Workshop (which is already can be seen in screenshots) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1158833078 And Good games all! Attila / Steam Little Legionnaire / TWC PS: A huge thanks to Slypear from TWC because my preset is based on his/her Ad Finitum. I made a lot of tweak on it but credit also goes to his/her efforts too. For the Greater Plan of Old Ones! HOW TO INSTALL GEMFX Step by step, 1- First you need to go to GEM Patreon site, https://www.patreon.com/GemFX 2- Dowload the standalone version,, http://i.picpar.com/Tt6c.jpg 3- When the download is finished you'll need to install the software. Open the installer and select the Warhammer II folder http://i.picpar.com/Ut6c.jpg 4- Download the preset via the mediafire link and extract the preset to a random place or folder. Then copy the preset and open the Warhammer 2 folder. You'll see GEMFX folder, http://i.picpar.com/Vt6c.jpg 5- Open the folder and then open the "preset" folder, http://i.picpar.com/Wt6c.jpg 6- And then open the "current" folder, "current" folder is where the yours default and active is kept, http://i.picpar.com/Wt6c.jpg 7- Copy my preset and overwrite the older preset within the current preset folder, 8- Open the configuration app before launching the game and click the following selections, http://i.picpar.com/Xt6c.jpg IMPORTANT 64 bit application / compatibility mode / 1X FXAA should be selected, IMPORTANT After that click to "save configuration" and close it, http://i.picpar.com/Yt6c.jpg And you're ready to run the game with the GEMFX, Enjoy,
Download preset Show / Hide settings
Updated * better in game lighting * a bit more brighter * works well in desert maps * couple more tweaks For The Emperor Karl Franz!


21 Mar 15:08 CET

Do a preset for TWW3 cuz it have others gamma lighting colors graphics.style etc. this preset does not work “correctly” is only suitable for tww 1 2

19 Jun 06:45 CEST

How would I install this now that GemFX has been absorbed by reshade? just copy the GemFX file into the subfolder with the same title in the reshade folder? Dumb question probably. I'm brand new to reshade and TW modding in general.

4 Aug 01:43 CEST

Config is updated fellow friends,

25 Feb 09:58 CET

or whole "AmbienteLight"
turn off.

25 Feb 09:56 CET

Just turn off "DIRT LENS"
and save Configuration

this is best FX i see so far for TWWH2

3 Feb 01:19 CET

I am trying Gem for the first time. the default setup was not to my liking. So i dl your preset. Very nice but i am color blind and also in game it's just to Dark and the text is a little to blury.
Is there a way you could lighten it up in another preset and make it look slightly sharper . i dont know much about this stuff to play around with it.
Great work by the way. my screen shots look awesome but the game play is just to dark for me.I play with every thing maxed out and use fxaa not aa as it is better for my 1080 gtx x.
I also turned up the gama a little it helped but it also can look a little washed out on brighter maps.

7 Nov 00:01 CET

* Now you can use default Gamma/Brightness levels.
* preset still offers the sweet spot of darker, grim yet richer colour variety.


6 Nov 23:56 CET


1 Nov 16:11 CET

English please? Sorry i don't understand Spanish

31 Oct 00:31 CET

hola buenas, lo he instalado todo correctamente y me funciona bien, pero a la hora de las batallas cuando doy a la k para retirar los marcadores y ver la batalla en plan pelicula me sale un efecto lupa que distorsiona totalmente la imagen, alguna solucion? muchas gracias

17 Oct 16:46 CEST

Hello badolf4, this FX works only with DX11

17 Oct 09:55 CEST

Hello, this FX works on DX12? or only DX11?

11 Oct 12:42 CEST

You shouldn't have actually if you follow the steps carefully. Don't forget to check GEM configurator before playing the actual game


This is essential, and you must install the GEM to

Warhammer 2 game folder not into the DATA folder,

I hope you find the solution and feel free to ask anytime you want

10 Oct 15:57 CEST

I did everything it said to do in the instructions but i get ctd when i launch the game. Game launches normally with gemfx disabled.

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