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DIRT RALLY - Real Clarity

Preset for DiRT Rally
Created by Clarity
Added Dec. 2, 2017
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
Real Clarity is designed to provide CLEAR visual enhancements while maintaining the developers original vision without significantly impacting the overall performance. Techniques Used: AdaptiveSharpen - Remove image blur Clarity - Enhance Object Detail LumaSharpen - Remove image blur + Tonemap - enhanced lighting LiftGammaGain - Remove brown filter BloomAndLensflairs - Post Processing Reshade Used: 3.1.0 HOW TO INSTALL: 1. Download Reshade Installer from https://reshade.me 2. Extract and Run 'Reshade_Setup_3.X.X.exe' 3. Click the "Select Game" button and navigate windows explorer to <DRIVE>\Steam\steamapps\common\DiRT Rally 4. Select 'drt' application file and click 'Open' 5. Click 'Directx 10+' as the rendering API 6. Click 'Yes" to download a collection of standard effects 7. Uncheck All and choose 'AdaptiveSharpen.fx', 'Bloom', 'Clarity.fx', 'LiftGammaGain.fx', 'LumaSharpen.fx' and 'Tonemap.fx' from the list of effects to install and select 'OK' to complete installation 8. Download my 'DIRT RALLY - Real Clarity" preset and copy it to <DRIVE>\Steam\steamapps\common\DiRT Rally directory 9. Launch DIRT RALLY and press "SHIFT F2" to open Reshade Configuration 10. Select 'Continue' to begin Reshade configuration 11. From the drop down menu select 'DIRT RALLY - Real Clarity' prset and select 'Continue', then 'Continue" and 'Finish' 12. Select the 'Settings' tab and define a desired 'Effects Toggle Key' (F3 as an example) 13. From the 'Settings' tab change 'Configuration Mode' to 'Performance Mode' and close Reshade (SHIFT F2)
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KeyLiftGammaGain=0,0,0,0 KeyBloomAndLensFlares=54,0,0,0 KeyAdaptiveSharpen=0,0,0,0 KeyClarity=0,0,0,0 KeyLumaSharpen=0,0,0,0 KeyTonemap=0,0,0,0 Techniques=AdaptiveSharpen,Clarity,LumaSharpen,Tonemap,BloomAndLensFlares,LiftGammaGain TechniqueSorting=AdaptiveSharpen,Clarity,LumaSharpen,Tonemap,BloomAndLensFlares,LiftGammaGain Effects=LiftGammaGain.fx,AdaptiveSharpen.fx,Clarity.fx,LumaSharpen.fx,Tonemap.fx,Bloom.fx [Clarity.fx] ClarityRadius=3 ClarityBlendMode=2 ClarityOffset=2.000000 ClarityDarkIntensity=0.400000 ClarityBlendIfDark=50 ClarityBlendIfLight=205 ClarityViewMask=0 ClarityViewBlendIfMask=0 ClarityStrength=0.400000 ClarityLightIntensity=0.000000 [Bloom.fx] bGodrayEnable=0 iBloomMixmode=2 fBloomSaturation=0.000000 fBloomThreshold=0.100000 fBloomAmount=0.020000 fLensdirtSaturation=0.000000 fBloomTint=0.407843,0.411765,0.427451 fLensdirtIntensity=0.000000 bLensdirtEnable=0 fFlareLuminance=0.950000 iLensdirtMixmode=2 fLensdirtTint=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 bLenzEnable=0 bAnamFlareEnable=0 fAnamFlareCurve=1.000000 fAnamFlareThreshold=1.000000 fAnamFlareWideness=1.000000 fAnamFlareAmount=1.000000 fAnamFlareColor=0.011765,0.000000,0.003922 fLenzIntensity=0.396000 fLenzThreshold=0.944000 bChapFlareEnable=4294967295 fChapFlareTreshold=0.981000 iChapFlareCount=13 fChapFlareDispersal=0.250000 fChapFlareSize=0.680000 fFlareIntensity=2.072000 fChapFlareCA=0.000000,0.010000,0.020000 fChapFlareIntensity=32.300003 fGodrayDecay=0.990000 fGodrayExposure=1.000000 fGodrayWeight=1.529000 fGodrayDensity=1.982000 iGodraySamples=128 fGodrayThreshold=0.960000 fFlareBlur=200.000000 fFlareTint=0.137000,0.216000,1.000000 [LiftGammaGain.fx] RGB_Lift=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 RGB_Gamma=0.950000,1.000000,1.060000 RGB_Gain=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 [AdaptiveSharpen.fx] curve_height=0.500000 L_compr_low=0.169000 D_compr_low=0.253000 curveslope=0.400000 L_overshoot=0.003000 D_overshoot=0.009000 scale_cs=0.056000 L_compr_high=0.337000 D_compr_high=0.504000 scale_lim=0.100000 pm_p=0.750000 [LumaSharpen.fx] sharp_strength=3.000000 pattern=0 sharp_clamp=0.060000 offset_bias=1.000000 show_sharpen=0 [Tonemap.fx] Gamma=1.000000 Bleach=0.040000 Defog=0.000000 Exposure=-0.000000 Saturation=-0.000000 FogColor=0.000000,0.000000,1.000000


10 Dec 00:09 CET


I see that you used almost the same adjustment that I have, you only changed it to 0.96 (Red).

Preset 1.9.5 LiftGammaGain

Red 0.95, Green 1.00, Blue 1.07

10 Dec 00:07 CET

The filter is called color temperature (Realistic). It's the same as my 1.9.5 preset of Reshade & SweetFX. I see that you used almost the same adjustment that I have, you only changed it to 0.96 (Red).

Preset 1.9.5 LiftGammaGain

Blue 0.95, Green 1.00, Red 1.07

Link: https://sfx.thelazy.net/users/u/JuanBonX/


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