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TAA Blur Fix | Sharp & Clearer Textures

Preset for Final Fantasy XV
Created by MarioMarioMaria
Added March 10, 2018
Updated 12 Mar 02:35 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
Need your Final Fantasy 15 blurry fix? This is an extremely simple ReShade that lessens the impact of blur caused by TAA, making textures clearer and sharper without interfering with the game's original artistic design. The effect is much more noticeable once moving around in-game. COMPARE PHOTOS AT FULL RESOLUTION TO TRULY SEE THE DIFFERENCE (After clicking one of the screenshots, click the image again to see it in full resolution) Instructions: 1.) Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/nqm6rua7lyrcd4d/BlurFix.zip 2.) Paste to your Final Fantasy 15 Directory (Where ffxv_s.exe is located.) 3.) Start game 4.) Once in-game, press Shift + F2 (If you can't move your mouse, press F1 first) 5.) Check the highlight box beside LumaSharpen 6.) Increase Sharp Strength to 1.75 7.) Done! Note: Press "Scroll Lock" to enable or disable the effect. If you're experiencing performance issues/optimization visit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FFXV/comments/82th81/pc_final_fantasy_15_performance_tweaking_and/
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Effects=LumaSharpen.fx Techniques=LumaSharpen TechniqueSorting=LumaSharpen [LumaSharpen.fx] pattern=1 sharp_strength=1.750000 sharp_clamp=0.035000 offset_bias=1.000000 show_sharpen=0


18 Mar 07:55 CET

Hey, need help guys. I placed the files inside the game, now it won't open.. I removed the files and it worked again. Any ideas?

15 Mar 01:52 CET

If you never installed special K mod before, chances are you won't have folders under "Documuents\My Mods\Special K" that is instructed in the link below so here is the exact steps I did to get special K + reshade working:

Download link: https://github.com/Kaldaien/SpecialK/releases

1. Search for "SK_FFXV.7z" and download that.

2. Unzip and extract ALL files in
to FFXV install folder

3. In the same github page, search for "SK_FFXV_ReShadeEx.7z" and download that

4. Unzip and extract ALL files in to FFXV install folder like step 2

5. Download this preset and unzip, read the next step carefully

6. Copy "SweetFX_Settings_Final Fantasy XV_FFXV Quality Conf.txt" to the FFXV install folder, you can rename that to whatever you like, I named it "FFXIV-TAA-Blur-Fix.ini"

7. Inside "reshade-shaders" folder, copy both "Shaders" and "Textures" folder into the "ReShade" folder inside FFXV install dir (there should be empty Shaders and Textures folder inside).

8. Load the game up, wait for it to get to start menu

9. Press SHIFT + F2 to bring up reshade menu, click on the drop down menu at top to select the preset to use (in this case the "SweetFX_Settings_Final Fantasy XV_FFXV Quality Conf.txt" file you copied earlier)

10. Done! Enjoy both Special K mod optimizations and this reshade preset at same time!

13 Mar 15:09 CET

You can rename resahde's dxgi files to d3d11.ini and d3d11.dll (must rename both reshade files). I have to do this for reshade to even run for me since the awful windows 10 creators update, actually. Anyway, this should solve any incompatibility issues with special k, but I have not used his mod so i can't say with 100 percent certainty. No harm in trying it, that's for sure.

11 Mar 19:57 CET

For reshade and Special K mod looks here : http://steamcommunity.com/app/637650/discussions/0/1697167168518535998?ctp=9

The eighth post .

11 Mar 14:40 CET

Any way to make this work with Kaldaien's Special K mod? His mod improves FFXV's performance and I want this fix for TAA but both adds dxgi files so I'm afraid the Special K mod will stop working once I replace its dxgi files with this ones.

11 Mar 14:38 CET

High, the simple reshade looks to add a nice touch judging from the pictures. However, I was wondering if this Reshade is compatible to use with Kaldaien's Special K Mod https://steamcommunity.com/app/637650/discussions/0/1697167168518535998/

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