SweetFX Settings DB
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General installation instructions

Install using SweetFX Configurator

  1. First step, you need the SweetFX Configurator version 1.3.3 or later.
  2. Select the game in the games list (you might have to add it to the list first)
  3. Click the "Save / Load configuration" button
  4. Click "Import preset" OR drag the downloaded settings file to the preset list
  5. Select the new preset in the list
  6. (Optional) Rename the new preset
  7. Click on "Load selected preset" and the preset will be loaded into the Configurator main window

Manual install

First of all, you need SweetFX to use these presets. For installation I'll just refer you to that thread, which have pages of information, and link to a great introductionary youtube video.

Then, when SweetFX is running and enabled for the game, you either :

  1. Copy the downloaded preset into the game folder
  2. Edit the file "SweetFX_preset.txt" to point to the new file

OR just copy the content and replace the existing SweetFX_settings.txt content.