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Reashade 3.0
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
Hi everyone Are there any simple tutorials on how to install presets from this site into reshade 3.0 onwards? Ive looked on youtube but its only people making their own ones and not showing how to install sfxthelazy presets many thanks
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
It's usually as simple as putting the preset file into your game directory.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
Thanks fieryswordsman. Do I rename the .txt file to .ini and paste it into where my games exe are? Thanks for taking the time to reply ;)
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
OK I will explained.....but it's a little bit complicated so be patience: In Reshade 3.02(latest is 3.04) You need 4 files to make it work...(must put it in game folder) 1.reshade-shaders(you got this by downloading additional shaders from reshade.exe) 2.dxgi.dll/d3d9.dll(it's API game used) 3.dxgi/d3d9.ini 4.preset.ini(change name as you wish it's the preset you need for fx) EXAMPLE:Noirze.ini EXAMPLE:GTA V I'm using reshade 3.02 1.Open reshade 3.02.exe 2.Point at GTA V.exe,Select API direct10+ then download additional shaders 3.You will get 3 files in your game folder:reshade-shaders,dxgi.dll,dxgi.ini 4.Copy preset you downloaded here to your game folder and rename it (it's files no.4)EXAMPLE:Noirze.txt to Noirze.ini 5. Now open dxgi.ini with notepad It's will only contain two phrases word(tutorial reshade must complete) 6.Now i will explain how to bypass tutorial: Copy paste this to dxgi.ini [GENERAL] EffectSearchPaths=E:\NOIRZE GAMES\Grand Theft Auto V ULTIMATE,E:\NOIRZE GAMES\Grand Theft Auto V ULTIMATE\reshade-shaders\Shaders TextureSearchPaths=E:\NOIRZE GAMES\Grand Theft Auto V ULTIMATE,E:\NOIRZE GAMES\Grand Theft Auto V ULTIMATE\reshade-shaders\Textures PerformanceMode=1 ScreenshotPath=E:\NOIRZE GAMES\Grand Theft Auto V ULTIMATE PreprocessorDefinitions=RESHADE_DEPTH_LINEARIZATION_FAR_PLANE=1000.0,RESHADE_DEPTH_INPUT_IS_UPSIDE_DOWN=0,RESHADE_DEPTH_INPUT_IS_REVERSED=0,RESHADE_DEPTH_INPUT_IS_LOGARITHMIC=0 TutorialProgress=4 PresetFiles=E:\NOIRZE GAMES\Grand Theft Auto V ULTIMATE\Noirze.ini CurrentPreset=0 ScreenshotFormat=1 ShowFPS=0 [INPUT] KeyMenu=113,0,1 KeyScreenshot=44,0,0 InputProcessing=2 KeyEffects=145,0,0 [STYLE] Alpha=0.950000 ColActive=0.200000,0.500000,0.600000 ColFPSText=1.000000,1.000000,0.000000 ColBackground=0.275000,0.275000,0.275000 ColItemBackground=0.447000,0.447000,0.447000 ColText=0.800000,0.900000,0.900000 You must change: EffectSearchPaths=E:\NOIRZE GAMES\Grand Theft Auto V ULTIMATE,E:\NOIRZE GAMES\Grand Theft Auto V ULTIMATE\reshade-shaders\Shaders(change E:\NOIRZE GAMES\Grand Theft Auto V ULTIMATE with your game folder name) TextureSearchPaths=E:\NOIRZE GAMES\Grand Theft Auto V ULTIMATE,E:\NOIRZE GAMES\Grand Theft Auto V ULTIMATE\reshade-shaders\Textures(change E:\NOIRZE GAMES\Grand Theft Auto V ULTIMATE with your game folder name) ScreenshotPath=E:\NOIRZE GAMES\Grand Theft Auto V ULTIMATE(change E:\NOIRZE GAMES\Grand Theft Auto V ULTIMATE with your game folder name) PresetFiles=E:\NOIRZE GAMES\Grand Theft Auto V ULTIMATE\Noirze.ini(change E:\NOIRZE GAMES\Grand Theft Auto V ULTIMATE with your game folder name)(change Noirze.ini with any name you rename it but files no.4 must have same name) After you done now save it.. Open Game and enjoy... FYI: TutorialProgress=4(this words mean you completed reshade tutorial/tutorial bypass) PerformanceMode=1(this mode will change configuration to performance to save some fps) OK...thats it I hope it helps...cheers^^
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
Yes. Change it to be an .ini file. If it for some reason has an image file with it, put that in the 'textures' folder. If your extra lucky and it has an .fx file with it, put that in the 'shaders' folder.
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago
Thanks for the help everyone :)
Posted 2 years, 8 months ago
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