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Far Cry Primal
Posted 9 years, 1 month ago
Anyone doing a preset soon? it's been out all day and haven't seen a single preset.
Posted 9 years, 1 month ago
Give it time, there are more and more people using Framework these days which has more settings and depending on what they use, requires more tinkering.
Posted 9 years ago
Ah ok, usually theres one after an hour or so of release, that's why i was asking.
Posted 9 years ago
Sorry if I'm late to the party and you found your joyful preset. This info kinda goes for all games, to be honest, so I'll type it anyway. An HOUR?! Well.... It takes a good 40 minutes or so to download large AAA games. It also takes anywhere from one (simple games) to, more often, a good few hours (complex games) to make a single preset, especially for ReShade Framework since it has a LOT of tweakables. I speak as a person who currently has 9 ReShade Framework presets and 5 older presets for SweetFX 2.0 People also may not like Far Cry (I know I don't). OR they can't access their games to begin with because of Ubisoft's DRM! *I say simple games as in Danganronpa, where there's nothing you can really do to overhaul it besides mild smoothing and even mild-er light tweaks. *Complex is pretty much everything else.
Posted 9 years ago
I can't use any presets anyway, im getting a black screen at startup, i've disabled all overlays that could interfere so i give up. The game looks already as good as it can be TBH.
Posted 9 years ago
I just uploaded a preset.
Posted 9 years ago
Is it exclusively SweetFX that causes the blackscreen? I've had that happen with the Dolphin Emulator that I use to play LoZ: Twilight Princess. It's completely fixed now. Since then, I've changed from using other people's SweetFX 1.5 presets to making my own ReShade Framwork presets. The difference is the ReShade 1.1.0 injector. But, judging by the Far Cry presets being SweetFX 2.0 and Framework already, that shouldn't be a problem. So, um..... Just butt around with the compatibility settings or something. Most people don't think of this, but maybe try an injector. I don't really enjoy Ubisoft games, so I can't say what the particular issue is. Also, you could try making your own presets with the latest ReShade framework. It's surprisingly easy to learn. It's just a bunch of sliders for every post-process option imaginable. They come with descriptions and *cookies. Off-topic: WhiteWolf, man. You seem to have created a duplicate of the game in the SweetFX preset list known as 'Far cry Primal', when the actual (you know because it has one of the 'big-shots' in it) is 'Far Cry: Primal', and it already has like 4 presets. Here: http://sfx.thelazy.net/games/game/1289/ And that negative exposure..... I'll never understand presets that are mostly either negative exposure or >1 gain with nothing to counter-act it. Is your guys' monitors THAT bright? How does the light blue BG of this site not force you to wear 3d glasses made of that near-opaque glass stuff that's used in red wine bottles? Then again, most other people do the opposite with vibrance & saturation, so I guess I should just accept fate.
Posted 9 years ago
FierySwordswoman I did not see that there was already Far Cry:Primal on the list so I am sorry about that. As for the negative exposure It's personal preference and my monitor if fairly bright so it looks OK to me.
Posted 9 years ago
I found out what the problem is, and i actually knew it was the problem. My laptop has NVIDIA Optimus, HD 4600 and a GTX780M. When i start the game with reshade, the power led goes white wich means it's using the Intel HD 4600. But i read an older version of reshade works with Optimus but i don't think the presets made with Framework works with it.
Posted 9 years ago
Ah. Yeah, I have a slight burning sensation deep in my soul that says an HD 4600 may be slightly less optimal for a brand new AAA title than a 780m. I didn't know what Optimus was until I Google'd it 30 seconds ago, but I can now safely say you should be able to go in the NVIDIA Control Panel and, like with SLI, manually enable the 780m. White, it's fine. I've seen people do far worse with making new games in the list. I don't know how that happens, but it does.....somehow. My monitor has it's brightness maxed with a full-range black/white level and the god-rays in your comparison picture are so under-exposed they're steely blue, not even white anymore. 'Fairly bright' is right, I guess : P
Posted 9 years ago
I've set NVIDIA CP to always use my 780M so that's not it. I'm using an older version of Reshade and made my own preset and it works. But the maker said he developes on a nvidia optimus laptop, so not sure whats wrong then.
Posted 9 years ago
how do we install it?
Posted 9 years ago
Signex, if your hd 4600 is activating, there must be SOME setting to change. You could maybe even temporarily restrict your laptop form ever using your 4600 before you start far cry, and then enable it afterward. Also, ReShade 2.0 came out just a day or so ago, so you could try that. Shadow..... what?
Posted 9 years ago
I tried everything already. It's something to do with framework but nevermind i'll just use a older version.
Posted 9 years ago
Hmph. I don't know much about Optimus, but I think it's weird that any old program can completely take control of it. You.... could try running your nvcplui.exe as admin compatibility? -Restart pc after.
Posted 8 years, 12 months ago
No worries, i'm back on a desktop with a R9 390.
Posted 8 years, 12 months ago
Oh. hey. I forgot you existed. Ilias on a bike, mate. Your laptop AND desktop are both multiple leagues above my pc. I run modded Skyrim and GTA V at 720p. My poor 560 ti only has a gig of vram and no cooling capability D : So, Optimus really doesn't like ReShade?
Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
Haven't seen much discussion about this game yet. What's everyone think? Personally, I love it. As someone who enjoyed FC3 but felt that 4 was kind of dull, I think this game is great. The setting is a breath of fresh air and they dropped a lot of the typical Ubisoft open world BS (like towers) in favor of just open world gameplay that's accessible and fun to play. I am mostly impressed with the world. Every inch of it feels hand crafted, and though massive and arguably bigger than the others games' worlds, it's easy to get around and fun to navigate without the use of vehicles. I especially love how immersive they've made it, being able to change the HUD to not exist at all to only showing you the things you really need (I play with ammo counter on and nothing else just to see how many arrows I have left). What's everyone's thoughts so far? PS, this is probably the most gorgeous game I've ever seen.
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