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dark souls 3 reshade broke?
Posted 8 years, 10 months ago
So less than 24 hours ago i was playing dark souls 3 with a reshade I got off of the database. I modified the preset a bunch but none the less it worked flawlessly for a couple of weeks. Well when I went to play tonight it stopped working. Once I launch the game it just crashes before the reshade even post an error. I am not sure what happened. I didn't see the game update or anything. Anyone care to help me figure out what happened? Only thing I changed was I updated my graphics drivers but I even tried reverting back to the one that worked to no avail. I tried changing the .dll and .fx file names also but nothing. They are supposed to be dxgi.dll and ReShade.fx correct? Please some one try to help me out here, the game NEEDS Reshade or sweetfx to look decent.
Posted 8 years, 10 months ago
Well dxgi.dll is the default you should probably always use but have you tried renaming the dll to d3d11? Some people have had success with other games with that. There is also a chance a program you're running is causing the crash; something like PrecisionX or afterburner; This guys details how you could get around that crash- http://reshade.me/forum/troubleshooting/1403-fallout-4-reshade-crash#11633 You could also try an older version of Reshade. Personally I think you'd probably get more help in this matter on the ReShade forums (go here: http://reshade.me/forum/troubleshooting ) rather than the Database.
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