One of the ReShade Framework shaders lets you load custom gradient palettes like in ENB (see ).
However, I've no idea how to test a palette on a screenshot or something without booting up the game and loading the shader. Kinda sucks for games that take a few minutes just to load when your trying to fine-tune something.
-I've tried various things that came to mind in GIMP + the Windows Extensions plugin compilation and I can't produce good results at all. Color palettes are outside of my field of expertise
(Which consists entirely of image manipulation, making anime pictures sparkly, and Python scripts. Don't judge me.)
If anyone would know or have educated ideas on how to do a fairly quick palette test on a screenshot or something (preferably in GIMP) please enlighten me. I don't want to reboot the Battlefield testing range 16 times.
When I get into palettes, I plan to create a gradient in GIMP and apply it to a square. Is that a horrible way of doing it? Is there thus a better way?