RadeonPro is the way to go on that game no matter what. I can crank up a TON of AA and other effects. I literally have everything that can be applied, applied at maximum.
24xEQ AA Override
FXAA - Ultra
SMAA - 0.05, 98, 20, 35
-letting game handle AO on it's own since that was a big deal for the "redux"-
CFAA (edge-detect) AA Filter
Supersample AA Mode
16x AF
64x Tessellation
Vsync always off
Anisotropic Optimization - Checked
Trilinear Optimization - Checked (although I don't think this really does anything anymore)
Enable SFO - Checked
Texture Filtering - High Quality
Mipmap Quality - High Quality
Texture LOD is -3
Triple Buffering - on
And then I am using a modified version of Ninjafada's Metro: Last Light preset as my SweetFX preset. The game looks amazing and plays flawlessly. The funny thing is, when I try and max out the settings in the game's config, it lags, I get big FPS drops, and it actually doesn't look nearly as good. But when I run it with RadeonPro I can get a steady 60fps easy.