////----------// ///**UIMask**/// //----------//// #define USE_UIMask 0 //[UIMask] //-A mask that defines which areas of the screen will have no effects applied //>UI Mask Settings<\\ #define UIMask_Helper 1 //[0:1] //-Helps to automatically create a UI - Mask for static elements #define UIMask_Direct 1 //[0:1] //-1: loads the mask from memory; 0: loads the mask from disk #define UIMask_Tolerance 5 //[0|1|2|3|4|5] //-Defines the tolerance level of the algorithm when detecting UI elements #define UIMask_HelperKey VK_F12 //[undef] //-When pressed, starts to create a UI - Mask for static elements #define UIMaskReset_HelperKey VK_F11 //[undef] //-Resets the automatically created UI - Mask (press again to release) #define UIMask_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey //[undef] //-No description given ////----------// ///**Border**/// //----------//// #define USE_Border 0 //[Border] //-A mask that defines where a border effect is drawn //>Border Shader Settings<\\ #define Border_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey //[undef] //-Toggles the border shader ////---------------// ///**SplitScreen**/// //---------------//// #define USE_SplitScreen 0 //[SplitScreen] //-Allows the various comparisons with the original image //>Split Screen Shader Settings<\\ #define SScomparable 1 //[0:1] //-Splits the screen in the middle and draws the same image twice. #define SScomparableStretch 0 //[0:1] //-Shows the full image on each side of the comparable splitscreen #define SSslider 0 //[0:1] //-Activates an active transition between original and shader image #define SSsliderSpeed 0.01 //[0.00:1.00] //-Defines the speed of the transition #define SSaxis 0 //[0:1] //-To select the splitscreen axis; 0 => y; 1 => x #define SSborderWidth 0.002 //[0.000:1.000] //-Width of the border between original and shader image #define SS_ToggleKey VK_F12 //[undef] //-Toggles the split screen shader ////-----------// ///**Magnify**/// //-----------//// #define USE_Magnify 1 //[Magnify] //- //>Magnify Shader Settings<\\ #define magnifyStartPixelWidth 0 //[undef] //- #define magnifyStartPixelHeight 0 //[undef] //- #define magnifyEndPixelWidth 0 //[undef] //- #define magnifyEndPixelHeight 0 //[undef] //- #define Magnify_ToggleKey RFX_ToggleKey //[undef] //-Toggles the magnify shader ////----------------// ///**DisplayDepth**/// //----------------//// #define USE_DisplayDepth 0 //[DisplayDepth] //-Display Depth : Enables the possibility to display the depth buffer - You will still need to toogle it on/off with (F12) in-game //>Display Depth Settings<\\ #define Depth_ToggleKey VK_F12 //[undef] //-Set the key to toggle the depth view On/Off