////----------// ///**DEBAND**/// //----------//// #define USE_DEBAND 1 //[Deband] //-Applies debanding to minimize banding artifacts. //>Deband Settings<\\ #define Threshold 192.0 //[0.0:4096.0] //-The debanding filter's cut-off threshold. Higher numbers increase the debanding strength dramatically but progressively diminish image details. (Default 64) #define Range 56.0 //[1.0:64.0] //-The debanding filter's initial radius. The radius increases linearly for each iteration. A higher radius will find more gradients, but a lower radius will smooth more aggressively. (Default 16) #define Iterations 3 //[1:16] //-The number of debanding steps to perform per sample. Each step reduces a bit more banding, but takes time to compute. Note that the strength of each step falls off very quickly, so high numbers (>4) are practically useless. (Default 1) #define Grain 432.0 //[0.0:4096.0] //-Add some extra noise to the image. This significantly helps cover up remaining quantization artifacts. Higher numbers add more noise. (Default 48) #define Deband_ToggleKey RESHADE_TOGGLE_KEY //[undef] //- ////--------------// ///**FILMICPASS**/// //--------------//// #define USE_FILMICPASS 0 //[Shared] //-Filmic Pass: Applies some common color adjustments to mimic a more cinema-like look. //>FilmicPass settings<\\ #define Strenght 0.85 //[0.05:1.50] //-Strength of the color curve altering #define BaseGamma 1.0 //[0.7:2.0] //-Gamma Curve #define Fade 0.4 //[0.0:0.6] //-Decreases contrast to imitate faded image #define Contrast 1.0 //[0.5:2.0] //-Contrast. #define FBleach 0.00 //[-0.50:1.00] //-More bleach means more contrasted and less colorful image #define FSaturation -0.15 //[undef] //- #define FRedCurve 1.0 //[undef] //- #define FGreenCurve 1.0 //[undef] //- #define FBlueCurve 1.0 //[undef] //- #define BaseCurve 1.5 //[undef] //- #define Linearization 0.50 //[0.50:2.00] //-No description given #define EffectGammaR 1.0 //[undef] //- #define EffectGammaG 1.0 //[undef] //- #define EffectGammaB 1.0 //[undef] //- #define EffectGamma 0.65 //[undef] //- #define LumCoeff float3(0.212656,0.715158,0.072186) //[undef] //- ////----------// ///**BORDER**/// //----------//// #define USE_BORDER 0 //[Shared] //-Border : Can be used to create letterbox borders around the image. //>Border settings<\\ #define border_width float2(0,1) //[0:2048] //-(X,Y)-width of the border. Measured in pixels. If this is set to 0,0 then the border_ratio will be used instead #define border_color float3(0,0,0) //[0:255] //-What color the border should be. In integer RGB colors, meaning 0,0,0 is black and 255,255,255 is full white. #define border_ratio float(2.35/1.0) //[undef] //-[0.1000 to 10.0000] Set the desired ratio for the visible area. You MUST use floating point - Integers do not work right. Examples that work: (1680.0 / 1050.0), (16.0 / 10.0), (1.6) Examples that does NOT work right: (1680 / 1050), (16 / 10) ////-----------------// ///**AMBIENT_LIGHT**/// //-----------------//// #define USE_AMBIENT_LIGHT 1 //[AmbientLight] //-Ambient Light: Adds scene dependent ambient light with specific dirt and lens effects //>Ambient Light Settings<\\ #define alDebug 0 //[0:1] //-Activates debug mode of AL, upper bar shows detected light, lower bar shows adaptation #define alInt 16.90 //[0.00:20.00] //-Base intensity of AL #define alThreshold 24.10 //[0.00:100.00] //-Reduces intensity for not bright light //>AL Adaptation Parameters<\\ #define AL_Adaptation 1 //[0:1] //-Activates adaptation algorithm for the following features #define alAdapt 0.95 //[0.00:4.00] //-Intensity of AL correction for bright light #define alAdaptBaseMult 1.85 //[0.00:4.00] //-Multiplier for adaption applied to the original image #define alAdaptBaseBlackLvL 3 //[0|1|2|3|4] //-Distinction level of black and white (lower => less distinct) #define alAdaptBloomMult 1.0 //[0.0:4.0] //-Multiplier for adaption applied to the bloom shader #define alAdaptFlareMult 3.0 //[0.0:4.0] //-Multiplier for adaption applied to the anam flare shader #define AL_HeatHazeControle 1 //[0:1] //-Controles the HeatHaze effect with the AL shader #define Depth_HeatHazeControle 1 //[0:1] //-Controles the HeatHaze effect with the depth buffer #define alAdaptHeatMult 1.0 //[0.0:1.0] //-Multiplier for adaption applied to the HeatHaze shader //>Additional AL Settings<\\ #define AL_Dirt 1 //[0:1] //-No description given #define AL_DirtTex 1 //[0:1] //-Defines if dirt texture is used as overlay #define AL_Vibrance 1 //[0:1] //-Vibrance of dirt effect #define AL_Adaptive 2 //[0|1|2] //-0 = Warm, 1 = Cold, 2 = Light Dependent #define alDirtInt 0.7 //[0.0:2.0] //-Intensity of dirt effect #define alDirtOVInt 0.7 //[0.0:2.0] //-Intensity of colored dirt effect #define AL_Lens 0 //[0:1] //-Lens effect based on AL #define alLensThresh 0.5 //[0.0:1.0] //-Reduces intensity of lens effect for not bright light #define alLensInt 2.0 //[0.0:10.0] //-Intensity of lens effect #define AmbientLight_TimeOut 0 //[0:100000] //-Defined Toggle Key will activate the shader until time (in ms) runs out. "0" deactivates the timeout feature. #define AmbientLight_ToggleKey RESHADE_TOGGLE_KEY //[undef] //- ////-----------------// ///**TUNINGPALETTE**/// //-----------------//// #define USE_TUNINGPALETTE 1 //[TuningPalette] //-Allows to use color maps (like in ENB) or color palettes //>Tuning Palette Settings General<\\ #define TuningColorPalette 0 //[0:1] //-ColorPalette #define TuningColorMap 0 //[0:1] //-ColorMap #define TuningColorLUT 1 //[0:1] //-ColorLUT #define TuningPaletteDependency 0 //[0:1] //-0: PixelColor; 1: PixelBrightness (0 is recommended for the ColorPalette effect) #define TuningPalettePower 0.075 //[0.000:1.000] //-Strength of the Tuning Palette effect #define TuningPalette_ToggleKey RESHADE_TOGGLE_KEY //[undef] //-No description given //>Color Palette Parameters<\\ #define TuningColorPaletteSmoothMix 0.3 //[0.0:1.0] //-Amount of smooth integration into original image #define TuningTileAmountX 5 //[1:16] //-Amount of tiles the selected palette has on the X-axis #define TuningTileAmountY 1 //[1:16] //-Amount of tiles the selected palette has on the Y-axis #define TuningColorPaletteTexture "Ganossa_vintage.png" //[undef] //-Define the color palette for palette effect (e.g. Ganossa_quake.png, Ganossa_vintage.png) #define TuningColorPalettePower 1/float3(1.0,1.0,1.0) //[undef] //-Defines the impact of red, green and blue when applying palette colors //>Color Map Parameters<\\ #define TuningColorMapTexture "Ganossa_TuningPalette.bmp" //[undef] //-needs to have 256x256 pixels //>Color LUT Settings<\\ #define TuningColorLUTIntensityChroma 1.00 //[0.00:1.00] //-Intensity of the effect overlay on chroma #define TuningColorLUTIntensityLuma 0.50 //[0.00:1.00] //-Intensity of the effect overlay on luma #define TuningColorLUTDstTexture "XIIICzar_Modern_Hollywood.png" //[undef] //-Needs to have 256x16 pixels #define TuningColorLUTTileAmountX 4096 //[undef] //-LUT Width #define TuningColorLUTTileAmountY 64 //[undef] //-LUT Height #define TuningColorLUTTileAmountZ 1 //[undef] //-LUT Levels (to select various 3d LUTs dependent on scene brightness) ////---------// ///**BLOOM**/// //---------//// #define USE_BLOOM 0 //[Bloom] //-Bloom, based on MasterEffects & asmodean bloom //>Bloom Settings<\\ #define Ganossa_HDR_MODE 0 //[0|1|2] //-HDR Level Rendering bitrate. 0 = RGBA8, 1 = RGBA16F, 2 = RGBA32F #define BLOOM_MIXMODE 2 //[1|2|3|4] //-1 = Linear add | 2 = Screen add | 3 = Screen/Lighten/Opacity | 4 = Lighten #define fBloomThreshold 0.8 //[0.1:1.0] //-Every pixel brighter than this value triggers bloom. #define fBloomAmount 0.8 //[0.0:20.0] //-Intensity of bloom. #define fBloomSaturation 0.8 //[0.0:2.0] //-Bloom saturation. 0.0 means white bloom, 2.0 means very very colorful bloom. #define fBloomTint float3(0.7,0.8,1.0) //[0.0:1.0] //-R, G and B components of bloom tintcolor the bloom color gets shifted to. X = Red, Y = Green, Z = Blue. #define Bloom_TimeOut 0 //[0:100000] //-Defined Toggle Key will activate the shader until time (in ms) runs out. "0" deactivates the timeout feature. #define Bloom_ToggleKey RESHADE_TOGGLE_KEY //[undef] //-Toggle key for Bloom and Bloom dependent shaders. ////-------// ///**HPD**/// //-------//// #define USE_HPD 1 //[ColorCorrection] //-Haarm Peter Duiker Filmic Tonemapping: Tonemapping used in Watch Dogs, ripped from the Watch Dogs shaders themselves.