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History Sweet FX
Posted 8 years, 10 months ago
Admins Hello! I am creating a video on your program SweetFx. I want to learn about the history of the emergence of the project, by whom and when it was created. For what the game was vprervye applied. Can you help me with this issue.
Posted 8 years, 10 months ago
SweetFX is a mod built on the InjectSMAA shader injector, that allows you to apply a suite of post processing shader effects to your games. SweetFX is created by CeeJay.dk I highly doubt CeeJay.DK is scanning this website for posts like this. You should try the SweetFX reddit since I have seen him answer questions there before.
Posted 8 years, 10 months ago
You can also try on the Reshade.me forum, there are quite a lot of people active over there, maybe you can get some answers from them :)
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