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SweetFX+W7 64+DX11+FS9
Posted 8 years, 11 months ago
Hello, last years I play FS9 on W7 32b,DirectX11 and sweetfx. Because of a virus I change and now I have W7 64bits sweetfx and always directx11. But whent I start the game I have a message:"MSF can not run because the version of Microsoft DirectX installed is not compatible.Reinstall DirectX 9.0 etc..." If I remove the d3d9.dll from the main folder of FS9 the game runs, without the SweetFx improvement, of course. I reinstalled DirectX 9 but it's the same thing.Does anyone has a solution? Best regard. VinSim Sorry for my english
Posted 8 years, 11 months ago
Try running this program and then restart your computer: https://www.microsoft.com/en-US/download/details.aspx?id=35 If that doesn't work you should try removing SweetFX, deinstalling the game, removing everything else left in the game directory and then reinstalling the game again.
Posted 8 years, 11 months ago
Hello thank's for the answer. But yesterday, I don't know how, I've tried again and it's OK now... it is a computer mystery... I did not change anything... Thank you. VinSim
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