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ComicToon Reshade

Created by HighMacLeod
Added Aug. 28, 2021
Updated 28 Aug 02:19 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
ComicToon Reshade[No such preset] Dragons Dogma - Dark Arisen[No such game] ComicToon Reshade will give your game a comic/cartoon-style look. It's just a visual filter, so there are no changes to the game files whatsoever. If you like comics, cartoons or animes, or if you just want to play the game in a different look, then this is for you. This is a light reshade, so there should not be any significant fps drops to the game. Suitable for new or returning Dragon's Dogma players.
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; ComicToon Reshade by highmacleod (MV) https://www.nexusmods.com/users/13322980 ; This is a preset file created for Reshade ; The idea is to give your game (or program) a comic/cartoon-style look ; It was made using the game "Dragon's Dogma - Dark Arisen" as reference, so it may or not look the way you want on another game ; The comments in each .fx section below were made by the authors and they give the default values ; Credits and Thanks: ; For Reshade, : Crosire https://github.com/crosire ; For Vibrance: Christian Cann Schuldt Jensen ~ CeeJay.dk ; For Colourfulness and AdaptiveSharpen: bacondither ; For FineSharp: Did�e http://avisynth.nl/images/FineSharp.avsi, Initial HLSL port by -Vit- https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=171346, Modified and optimized for ReShade by JPulowski ; For Outline: kingeric1992 and JPulowski ; For Comic shader: Alexander Federwisch ; Good Game! :) KeyVibrance=0,0,0,0 KeyColourfulness=0,0,0,0 KeyAdaptiveSharpen=0,0,0,0 KeyFineSharp=0,0,0,0 KeyComic=0,0,0,0 KeyOutline=0,0,0,0 Techniques=Vibrance,Colourfulness,AdaptiveSharpen,Mode1,Comic,Outline [Vibrance.fx] Vibrance=1.0 VibranceRGBBalance=1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ; Vibrance ; ui_min = -1.0; ui_max = 1.0; ; ui_tooltip = "Intelligently saturates (or desaturates if you use negative values) the pixels depending on their original saturation."; ; = 0.15; ; ui_type = "drag"; ; ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 10.0; ; ui_label = "RGB Balance"; ; ui_tooltip = "A per channel multiplier to the Vibrance strength so you can give more boost to certain colors over others.\nThis is handy if you are colorblind and less sensitive to a specific color.\nYou can then boost that color more than the others."; ; = float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); [Colourfulness.fx] colourfulness=2.0 lim_luma=0.5 enable_dither=false col_noise=true backbuffer_bits=8.0 ; colourfulness ; ui_min = -1.0; ui_max = 2.0; ; ui_tooltip = "Degree of colourfulness, 0 = neutral"; ; ui_step = 0.01; ; = 0.4; ; lim_luma ; ui_min = 0.1; ui_max = 1.0; ; ui_tooltip = "Lower values allows for more change near clipping"; ; ui_step = 0.01; ; = 0.7; ; enable_dither ; ui_tooltip = "Enables dithering, avoids introducing banding in gradients"; ; ui_category = "Dither"; ; > = false; ; col_noise ; ui_tooltip = "Coloured dither noise, lower subjective noise level"; ; ui_category = "Dither"; ; = true; ; backbuffer_bits ; ui_min = 1.0; ui_max = 32.0; ; ui_tooltip = "Backbuffer bith depth, most likely 8 or 10 bits"; ; ui_category = "Dither"; ; = 8.0; [AdaptiveSharpen.fx] curve_height=1.0 curveslope=0.5 L_overshoot=0.003 L_compr_low=0.170 L_compr_high=0.344 D_overshoot=0.009 D_compr_low=0.250 D_compr_high=0.500 scale_lim=0.1 scale_cs=0.056 pm_p=0.7 ; curve_height ; ui_min = 0.01; ui_max = 2.0; ; ui_label = "Sharpening strength"; ; ui_tooltip = "Main control of sharpening strength"; ; ui_step = 0.01; ; = 1.0; ; curveslope ; ui_min = 0.01; ui_max = 2.0; ; ui_tooltip = "Sharpening curve slope, high edge values"; ; ui_category = "Advanced"; ; = 0.5; ; L_overshoot ; ui_min = 0.001; ui_max = 0.1; ; ui_tooltip = "Max light overshoot before compression"; ; ui_category = "Advanced"; ; = 0.003; ; L_compr_low ; ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 1.0; ; ui_tooltip = "Light compression, default (0.167=~6x)"; ; ui_category = "Advanced"; ; = 0.167; ; L_compr_high ; ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 1.0; ; ui_tooltip = "Light compression, surrounded by edges (0.334=~3x)"; ; ui_category = "Advanced"; ; = 0.334; ; D_overshoot ; ui_min = 0.001; ui_max = 0.1; ; ui_tooltip = "Max dark overshoot before compression"; ; ui_category = "Advanced"; ; = 0.009; ; D_compr_low ; ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 1.0; ; ui_tooltip = "Dark compression, default (0.250=4x)"; ; ui_category = "Advanced"; ; = 0.250; ; D_compr_high ; ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 1.0; ; ui_tooltip = "Dark compression, surrounded by edges (0.500=2x)"; ; ui_category = "Advanced"; ; = 0.500; ; scale_lim ; ui_min = 0.01; ui_max = 1.0; ; ui_tooltip = "Abs max change before compression"; ; ui_category = "Advanced"; ; = 0.1; ; scale_cs ; ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 1.0; ; ui_tooltip = "Compression slope above scale_lim"; ; ui_category = "Advanced"; ; = 0.056; ; pm_p ; ui_min = 0.01; ui_max = 1.0; ; ui_tooltip = "Power mean p-value"; ; ui_category = "Advanced"; ; = 0.7; [FineSharp.fx] sstr=2.00 cstr=0.90 xstr=0.20 xrep=0.25 lstr=1.49 pstr=1.272 technique=Mode1 ; sstr ; ui_min = 0.00; ui_max = 8.00; ; ui_label = "Sharpening Strength"; ; = 2.00; ; cstr ; ui_type = "drag"; ; ui_min = 0.00; ui_max = 1.249; ; ui_label = "Equalization Strength"; ; ui_tooltip = "Suggested settings for cstr based on sstr value: sstr=0->cstr=0, sstr=0.5->cstr=0.1, 1.0->0.6, 2.0->0.9, 2.5->1.00, 3.0->1.09, 3.5->1.15, 4.0->1.19, 8.0->1.249"; ; = 0.90; ; xstr ; ui_min = 0.00; ui_max = 1.00; ; ui_tooltip = "Strength of XSharpen-style final sharpening."; ; = 0.19; ; xrep ; ui_min = 0.00; ui_max = 1.00; ; ui_tooltip = "Repair artefacts from final sharpening. (-Vit- addition to original script)"; ; = 0.25; ; lstr ; ui_type = "input"; ; ui_tooltip = "Modifier for non-linear sharpening"; ; = 1.49; ; pstr ; ui_type = "input"; ; ui_tooltip = "Exponent for non-linear sharpening"; ; = 1.272; ; Technique modes: Mode1, Mode2 or Mode3 [Comic.fx] iUIColorEdgesType=1 fUIColorEdgesDetails=1.0 fUIColorEdgesStrength=1.0, 1.0 fUIColorEdgesDistanceFading=0.0, 1.0, 0.8 bUIColorEdgesDebugLayer=true iUIChromaEdgesType=3 fUIChromaEdgesDetails=0.0 fUIChromaEdgesStrength=1.0, 0.5 fUIChromaEdgesDistanceFading=0.0, 0.5, 0.8 bUIChromaEdgesDebugLayer=true iUIOutlinesEnable=1 fUIOutlinesThreshold=1 fUIOutlinesStrength=1.0, 1.0 fUIOutlinesDistanceFading=0.0, 1.0, 0.8 bUIOutlinesDebugLayer=true iUIMeshEdgesEnable=1 fUIMeshEdgesStrength=3.0, 3.0 iUIMeshEdgesIterations=1 fUIMeshEdgesDistanceFading=-1.0, 0.1, 0.8 bUIMeshEdgesDebugLayer=true fUIEdgesLumaWeight=0.0, 1.0, 0.8 fUIEdgesSaturationWeight=0.0, 1.0, 0.2 bUIEnableDebugLayer=false iUIShowFadingOverlay=0 fUIOverlayColor=1.0, 0.0, 0.0 fUIColor=0.0, 0.0, 0.0 fUIStrength=1.0 ; ColorEdgesType ; Default is enabled =1 ; ColorEdgesDetails ; ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 1.0; ; ui_step = 0.01; ; > = 1.0 ; ColorEdgesStrength ; ui_min = 0.1; ui_max = 10.0; ; ui_step = 0.01; ; > = float2(1.0, 1.0) ; ColorEdgesDistanceFading ; ui_min = -1.0; ui_max = 1.0; ; ui_step = 0.001; ; > = float3(0.0, 1.0, 0.8) ; ColorEdgesDebugLayer ; Default is enabled =true ; ChromaEdgesType ; > = 3 ; ChromaEdgesDetails ; ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 1.0; ; ui_step = 0.01; ; > = 0.0; ; ChromaEdgesStrength ; ui_min = 0.01; ui_max = 10.0; ; ui_step = 0.01; ; > = float2(1.0, 0.5); ; ChromaEdgesDistanceFading ; ui_min = -1.0; ui_max = 1.0; ; ui_step = 0.001; ; > = float3(0.0, 0.5, 0.8); ; OutlinesEnable < ; ui_items = "Disabled\0Type 1\0Type 2\0"; ; > = 1; ; OutlinesThreshold ; ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 1000.0; ; ui_step = 0.01; ; > = 1.0; ; OutlinesStrength ; ui_min = 0.01; ui_max = 10.0; ; ui_step = 0.01; ; > = float2(1.0, 1.0); ; OutlinesDistanceFading ; ui_min = -1.0; ui_max = 1.0; ; ui_step = 0.001; ; > = float3(0.0, 1.0, 0.8); ; OutlinesDebugLayer ; > = true; ; MeshEdgesEnable < ; ui_items = "Disabled\0Enabled\0"; ; > = 1; ; MeshEdgesStrength ; ui_min = 0.01; ui_max = 10.0; ; ui_step = 0.01; ; > = float2(3.0, 3.0); ; MeshEdgesIterations ; ui_min = 1; ui_max = COMIC_MESHEDGES_ITERATIONS_MAX; ; ui_step = 0.01; ; > = 1; ; MeshEdgesDistanceFading ; ui_min = -1.0; ui_max = 1.0; ; ui_step = 0.001; ; > = float3(-1.0, 0.1, 0.8); ; MeshEdgesDebugLayer ; > = true; ; EdgesLumaWeight ; ui_min = -1.0; ui_max = 1.0; ; ui_step = 0.001; ; > = float3(0.0, 1.0, 0.8); ; EdgesSaturationWeight ; ui_min = -1.0; ui_max = 1.0; ; ui_step = 0.001; ; > = float3(0.0, 1.0, 0.8); ; EnableDebugLayer ; > = false; ; ShowFadingOverlay ; ui_items = "None\0Luma Edges\0Chroma Edges\0Outlines\0Mesh Edges\0Luma\0Saturation\0"; ; > = 0; ; OverlayColor ; > = float3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); ; Color ; > = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); ; Strength ; ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 1.0; ; > = 1.0; [Outline.fx] EdgeDetectionMode=1 EdgeDetectionAccuracy=50.0 EdgeSlope=1.0 OutlineColor=0.0, 0.0, 0.0 OutlineOpacity=1.0 CustomBackground=false BackgroundColor=0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ; EdgeDetectionMode ; ui_type = "combo"; ; ui_items = "Normal-depth edge detection\0Color edge detection\0"; ; ui_label = "Edge Detection Mode"; ; = 1; ; EdgeDetectionAccuracy ; ui_type = "drag"; ; ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 100.0; ; ui_label = "Edge Detection Accuracy"; ; = 1.0; ; EdgeSlope ; ui_type = "drag"; ; ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 10.0; ; ui_label = "Edge Slope"; ; ui_tooltip = "Ignores soft edges (less sharp corners) when increased."; ; = 1.0; ; OutlineColor ; ui_type = "color"; ; ui_label = "Outline Color"; ; = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); ; OutlineOpacity ; ui_type = "drag"; ; ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 1.0; ; ui_label = "Outline Opacity"; ; = 1.0; ; CustomBackground ; ui_label = "Custom Background"; ; ui_tooltip = "Uses a custom color as background when set to true."; ; = false; ; BackgroundColor ; ui_type = "color"; ; ui_label = "Background Color"; ; = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);


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