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Files temporary unaviable
Posted 6 years ago
Due google drive (sync changes some of my presets will not be aviable. I readd them due the next days. If anyone ust want some of my presets that isn't there atm, ask in forum if anyone might have it or wait. Apologize for this. :)
Posted 5 years, 11 months ago
It was simply user error on my side causing the issues. I also use File Log so thankfully I have them all intact and already updated presets I desire to share with correct links. Have setup a finetunes sync with freefilesync now and google drive picks up the changes. Guess I will include additional backup as well, since HDD space is cheap :)
Posted 5 years, 11 months ago
AziD, I love your lates tweaked world of Warcraft preset
Posted 5 years, 11 months ago
so in the latest wow preset, you stopped using lut and now using multilut?
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