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I get ghosting when using sweetfx
Posted 10 years ago
I can't figure out how to fix this issue. I hope someone here has an answer. I've installed sweetfx for the first time and I put a preset in for Guild Wars 2. Except, now I have a ghosting problem. I have turned anti aliasing off within the game. I have included two pictures to show you what I mean. http://i.imgur.com/XYr8LC2.jpg http://i.imgur.com/8P095Oo.jpg You can see the ghost outline of my characters head near the bottom right. You can see the ghosting of my character at the bottom right. When I'm in the game, the models, trees, mountains etc all have ghosting. Any help is much appreciated!
Posted 10 years ago
Problem resolved. Turning off Ambient Occlusion in my Nvidia settings fixed the issue
Posted 10 years ago
Yeah AO will cause that :D
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