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Help installing SweetFX on The Witcher 2
Posted 9 years, 9 months ago
Hello all, I'm interested in installing a SweetFX to my copy of Witcher 2. I have sweetfx for Dishonored and a couple other games. Installation was easy and it worked the first time. However upon installing the latest SweetFx using the configurator to Witcher 2 (into the "bin" folder since that is where the actual exe lives), I get a DLL error and the game won't start. I get the following error: Witcher2.exe - Entry Point Not Found The procedure entry point Direct3DCreate9x could not be located in the dynamic link library d3d9.dll. I have turned off anti-aliasing as I've found most people suggest with Witcher 2, but I still get the error when running the game, and I can't even run the program. Any thoughts? Thanks
Posted 9 years, 9 months ago
Are you using an Nvidia card? If so are you on either 344.11 or 344.16 drivers?
Posted 9 years, 9 months ago
Thanks for the reply Zomgerad... I have a GTX580 (gotta upgrade that soon) and I'm using the 344.11 drivers. However I think I figured out my problem... I needed to download the 64-bit d3d9.dll. It's working now. Can I have a nice tall glass of derp for myself? Thanks for the reply, though!
Posted 9 years, 9 months ago
I have the same problems, i have downloaded the 64-bit d3d9.dll and still getting the procedure point error message.. I can just press ok and it goes to the game and plays well although no Sweetfx tbh have struggled to get SweetFX working at all on a few games at the moment.. Any help is very much appreciated
Posted 9 years, 9 months ago
hm the SweetFX Configurator with SweetFX 1.5.1(http://sweetfx.thelazy.net/?p=137) works fine for me in the witcher 2( WIN 7 64bit) Thought witcher 2 is a 32bit game :O Just try to disable AA and Super Sampling(UberSampling) :)
Posted 9 years, 9 months ago
Cheers for the reply Proudi, AA and Ubersampling are off, I'm using SweetFX 1.5.1 and not working... the graphics and shading is pretty good in vanilla witcher 2 so no massive deal that its not working but would be nice to get it to work. have tried using older versions of SweetFX 1.3 / 1.4 too but no joy.. oh well... cheers anyway
Posted 9 years, 9 months ago
Win 7 or 8? well i install the game again and will test a little bit :)
Posted 9 years, 9 months ago
hm i just install the game...updated... max settings without aa and ubersampling and added sweetfx in the BIN folder...i used the configurator. u tried split install? d3d9,dxgi.dll+injector in the bin folder and the other files into the witcher 2 main folder well dont know where ur problem come from :S
Posted 9 years, 9 months ago
try to download these files and put them to ur bin folder https://www.dropbox.com/s/bpgs7wytlnpca1g/TW2%20sweetfx.rar?dl=0 mb that works :O
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