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Fallout 4 sweetFx problems
Posted 9 years ago
hi guys, im very new to sweetfx and my english is not so good so i hope u can understand my problem. Yesterday i've downloaded and installed reshade and sweetfx 2.0 in my fallout 4 directory and all goes well. In game i can see changing when pressing scroll but only for the default setting of sweetfx. I've launched also sweetfx configurator and downloaded one preset from this site. Loaded it with configurator and launched the game from there but nothing happened! always default setting is setted and when i try to change some parameters, when i've pressed "pause" to reload settings ingame nothing happened. Now i think a i need to "disinstall" reshade and sweetfx and rebeginning the process because i think something went wrong. another question: now i've installed a reshade preset from nexus and it works, but, how can i change parameters of reshade? i know how with sweetfx but don't know with reshade thanks to all in advance for help
Posted 9 years ago
Use the Reshade Framework Mediator. http://reshade.me/ (scroll down) And follow my guide here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1ouJvZYIkQ
Posted 9 years ago
ok thanks constantine, i've followed your tutorial but for me don't work. I've installed correctly (i think) the mediator. I've first deleted every old file of sweet and reshade. So my fallout directory was clean like after a fresh installation. After that i've created a folder named "reshade mediator" and extracted all files in there (mediator files). So from there i've launched mediator.exe and added fallout 4 and created new presets. Launched the game in window mode but i haven't control on it..i cant modify window dimension and my cursor never goes into. ok..i've tried anyway..modify some parameters but nothing happened..scroll button dind't work..mediator didn't work..anything work:-( some suggestion?
Posted 9 years ago
ok its working now but i need to alt-tab continuosly..i can't play in windowed mode
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