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Resident Evil 3 - Nemesis (1999)

Entry created by MarvelousSagacity
Added Aug. 25, 2018
SweetFX game notes:
To get reshade working with Biohazard 3: Last Escape, do the following: 1. First download dgVoodoo http://dege.freeweb.hu/dgVoodoo2/dgVoodoo2.html (As of this typing v2.55.3 is the newest version.) 2. Put “dgvoodooCpl.exe” in the same location as the game’s .exe file. 3. In the “MS” Folder extract “Ddraw.dll”, “D3DImm.dll”, “D3D8.dll” and put the files where the game’s exe is located. 4. Run the game, if dgVoodoo is installed correctly there should be a watermark at the bottom right corner. 5. Close game and click on “dgvoodooCpl.exe” go to DirectX panel (Plugins installed were an older version of DirectX, more compatible with older games.) uncheck dgVoodoo Watermark; pretty much done with dgVoodoo installation. Next is just a synopsis of the menu for those who are new to the program. In this menu one can change the video card simulated when running dgvoodoo; usually default is fine, but there are exceptions with some games. VRAM and Resolution can be manually changed here too, also the option of dgVoodoo running in fullscreen or windowed, full is normally the way to go, there are some games where video sequences only play in a windowed screen, not the norm though. 6. Download Reshade. run setup, select game, and choose “Direct3D 10+” 7. Reshade should now run normally; just load preset and one is done.

Game presets

Preset Added By Screenshots Downloads Shader
Jill's Cafard Aug. 25, 2018 MarvelousSagacity 42 657 ReShade


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