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Welcome To Hell

Preset for Doom Eternal
Created by Narcoshade
Added March 21, 2020
Updated 22 Mar 13:33 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
Welcome To Hell for Doom Eternal, Reshade Version 4.5.4 and higher. Best experience in 4K (No Letterbox No Vignette Version Included) (Letterbox No Vignette Version Included) Fresh Install: First: Delete The Folder (C:\ProgramData\ReShade) Install Reshade in the Doom Eternal Folder. Start the Game and select the Shader Folder and the Texture Folder manually(If he shouldn't load them automatically.). Then select the Preset in the Doom Eternal Folder. Fix:(If it still doesn't work after installing.) Copy the ReShade64.dll from the folder C: \ ProgramData \ ReShade. Into the Doom Eternal Folder and rename it to Vulkan.dll. Download: Microsoft OneDrive (Preset+Lut Texture/Shader) Added Effects: ArcaneBloom Tint Lut MultiLut Technicolor2 Curves Tonemap Clarity Vignette AspectRatio (16/9 Letterbox) Download Link: In The SweetFX_Settings.TXT (Press Download Preset) ;) If you like the preset, I'm happy about nice words. :) PLS Like my Facebook Page :) https://www.facebook.com/Narcoshade-108237733987467/?mod
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Welcome To Hell for Doom Eternal, Reshade Version 4.5.4 and higher. Best experience in 4K (No Letterbox No Vignette Version Included) (Letterbox No Vignette Version Included) Fresh Install: First: Delete The Folder (C:\ProgramData\ReShade) Install Reshade in the Doom Eternal Folder. Start the Game and select the Shader Folder and the Texture Folder manually(If he shouldn't load them automatically.). Then select the Preset in the Doom Eternal Folder. Fix:(If it still doesn't work after installing.) Copy the ReShade64.dll from the folder C: \ ProgramData \ ReShade. Into the Doom Eternal Folder and rename it to Vulkan.dll. Download: Microsoft OneDrive (Preset+Lut Texture/Shader) Added Effects: ArcaneBloom Tint Lut MultiLut Technicolor2 Curves Tonemap Clarity Vignette AspectRatio (16/9 Letterbox) Download Link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ak2YnXSGq-0ExSx2OLSp5tPj_3ig?e=fXuacf If you like the preset, I'm happy about nice words. :) PLS Like my Facebook Page :) https://www.facebook.com/Narcoshade-108237733987467/?mod


25 Mar 21:00 CET

i9+2080ti ultra-nightmare from 179fps at 3440x1440 to 90fps but well worth it. it brings this game to life.
Thanks so much.

24 Mar 19:29 CET

Thanks, Narcoshade!

23 Mar 16:07 CET

Select the Shader and Texture Folder manually in the Reshade-Settings.

23 Mar 07:39 CET

I have tried all those steps and still not working.

23 Mar 05:53 CET

Screens look really nice. Question, when looking at the preset .ini, I see reference to tint in Techniques and TechniqueSorting, but no settings further down or a shader for tint. Am I missing something? Thanks!

22 Mar 16:27 CET

Then have fun. :)

22 Mar 14:49 CET

not its working, thanx man, appreciate it

22 Mar 13:30 CET

Fix:(If it still doesn't work after installing.)
Copy the ReShade64.dll from the folder C: \ ProgramData \ ReShade into the Doom Eternal Folder and rename it to Vulkan.dll.

22 Mar 12:47 CET

First: Delete The Folder (C:\ProgramData\ReShade)

Install Reshade in the Doom Eternal Folder. Start the Game and select the Shader Folder and the Texture Folder manually. Then select the Preset in the Doom Eternal Folder.

22 Mar 11:38 CET

all reshade working fine, but this's first time using Vulkan reshade, i installed in the game 64.exe folder

nothing works

22 Mar 07:42 CET

Hey @SP77 can you tell us how you did it or link the video? Having the same problem, thanks

22 Mar 02:43 CET

Back again. Never mind Narco. Figured it out thanks to Youtube. Loving the preset. Great work.

22 Mar 01:58 CET

Hey, Narco. I installed ReShade as normal, it auto-selected Vulkan and downloaded the package fine. I copied the presets into the main folder but how do I know if it's working? Normally I would get the greeting screen (press Home etc. etc.), but not this time. I also followed the instructions on the main Doom Eternal page to turn off AA. Thanks for the assistance.

21 Mar 23:08 CET

Thanks and have Fun. :)

21 Mar 21:32 CET

Great looking preset. Can't wait to try it out.

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