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Preset for Dead Space 1
Created by Chavolatra
Added Oct. 13, 2020
Updated 15 Apr 17:18 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
This mod is based on reshade and use lot of effects for more beautiful gaming Reshade 4.6 SMARTSharp Prod80Bloom LiftGammaGain Lightroom Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AwesomeMods Donate: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=E98TXRSDRJ644 Download preset and reshade mod: https://epicawesomemods.com/mods-d/dead-space/photorealistic-dead-space.html
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Download preset and reshade mod: https://epicawesomemods.com/mods-d/dead-space/photorealistic-dead-space.html


9 Sep 03:52 CEST

i played your reshade presets from the following games
-Max Payne + Upscaled Textures
-Max Payne 2
-Dead Space
-Dead space 2
Only one thing to say. all of them look so amazing i really thank you for creating this reshade presets. aside from some issues with 2 presets which i fixed, my only advice is to add SMAA to your presets some of these games have issues with their own Anti-Aliasing or dont have AA. above all that thanks for these presets hope you can do more of them

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