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D3 Nice Lights

Preset for Diablo III
Created by Djjps
Added Oct. 1, 2014
Updated 1 Oct 13:45 CEST
Shader used: SweetFX 1.5
Preset description:
Better Lightning using HDR,Bloom,DPX,Curves,Tonemap and Dither together.Its a SFX Configurator Preset.
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[preset] name = D3 nice lights description = [setting] USE_SMAA_ANTIALIASING = 1 USE_FXAA_ANTIALIASING = 0 USE_EXPLOSION = 0 USE_CARTOON = 0 USE_ADVANCED_CRT = 0 USE_BLOOM = 1 USE_HDR = 1 USE_LUMASHARPEN = 0 USE_LEVELS = 0 USE_TECHNICOLOR = 0 USE_DPX = 1 USE_MONOCHROME = 0 USE_LIFTGAMMAGAIN = 0 USE_TONEMAP = 1 USE_VIBRANCE = 0 USE_CURVES = 1 USE_SEPIA = 0 USE_VIGNETTE = 0 USE_DITHER = 1 USE_BORDER = 0 USE_SPLITSCREEN = 0 USE_CUSTOM = 0 SMAA_THRESHOLD = 0.20 SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS = 38 SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_DIAG = 16 SMAA_CORNER_ROUNDING = 8 COLOR_EDGE_DETECTION = 1 SMAA_DIRECTX9_LINEAR_BLEND = 0 FXAA_QUALITY__PRESET = 9 fxaa_Subpix = 0.400 fxaa_EdgeThreshold = 0.250 fxaa_EdgeThresholdMin = 0.060 Explosion_Radius = 2.5 CartoonPower = 6.0 CartoonEdgeSlope = 2.0 CRTAmount = 1.00 CRTResolution = 2.0 CRTgamma = 2.2 CRTmonitorgamma = 2.4 CRTBrightness = 1.2 CRTScanlineIntensity = 2.0 CRTScanlineGaussian = 1 CRTCurvature = 1 CRTCurvatureRadius = 2.0 CRTCornerSize = 0.0100 CRTDistance = 2.00 CRTAngleX = 0.00 CRTAngleY = -0.15 CRTOverScan = 1.00 CRTOversample = 0 BloomThreshold = 20.25 BloomPower = 2.00 BloomWidth = 0.0650 HDRPower = 1.30 radius2 = 0.90 sharp_strength = 2.25 sharp_clamp = 0.150 pattern = 3 offset_bias = 0.7 show_sharpen = 0 Levels_black_point = 16 Levels_white_point = 235 TechniAmount = 0.4 TechniPower = 4.0 redNegativeAmount = 0.88 greenNegativeAmount = 0.88 blueNegativeAmount = 0.88 Red = 4.00 Green = 3.00 Blue = 2.00 ColorGamma = 1.5 DPXSaturation = 0.8 RedC = 0.5 GreenC = 0.5 BlueC = 0.5 Blend = 0.25 Monochrome_conversion_values = float3(0.18, 0.41, 0.41) RGB_Lift = float3(1.000, 1.000, 1.000) RGB_Gamma = float3(1.000, 1.000, 1.000) RGB_Gain = float3(1.000, 1.000, 1.000) Gamma = 1.100 Exposure = 0.010 Saturation = 0.3 Bleach = 0.077 Defog = 0.005 FogColor = float3(0.00, 0.00, 1.00) Vibrance = -0.10 Vibrance_RGB_balance = float3(1.00, 1.00, 1.00) Curves_mode = 2 Curves_contrast = 0.50 Curves_formula = 4 ColorTone = float3(1.40, 1.10, 0.90) GreyPower = 0.11 SepiaPower = 0.30 VignetteType = 1 VignetteRatio = 1.00 VignetteRadius = 1.00 VignetteAmount = -1.00 VignetteSlope = 8 VignetteCenter = float2(0.500, 0.500) dither_method = 1 border_width = float2(1,20) border_color = float3(0, 0, 0) splitscreen_mode = 3 custom_strength = 1.0


3 Nov 01:17 CET

Way too dark, hides parts of the level.

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