0 minutes ago
Rekindled FX v1.2
Preset description:
Dark Souls III - Rekindled FX:
The goal of this preset was to reduce the overall sepia tone from the game and add various post-processing effects to enhance the visual quality, along with additional anti-aliasing to reduce jagged edges on objects. This is the real cinematic Dark Souls 3 experience.
Created using the Reshade Framework - http://reshade.me
- CA
Download Link:
Rekindled FX - 4K Video Footage:
All screenshots are downsampled from 4K resolution.
• Place all the files in your root Dark Souls 3 Game directory.
This should be located at:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\DARK SOULS III\Game"
• Run the game normally and it should load with your new ReShade/SweetFX Preset.
• Want a 10 FPS increase with this preset? Disable Ambient Lighting. Go to the following folder: ReShade/Presets/Default/ and open up "Shaders_by_Ganossa.cfg". Next, scroll down to Line 48 where it says "#define USE_AMBIENT_LIGHT 1 //[AmbientLight] //-" Change the 1 to a 0 and Save the file. This will disable the Ambient Lighting effect but increase the framerate.
• Make sure that FRAPS, Dxtory and other third-party programs that may interfere with this preset are not running in the background. You can only run FRAPS after the game is launched.
• Ignore the yellow text that appears in the left corner of the screen for a few seconds, it is normal.
• If you are having an issue with the Steam Overlay, simply launch the game in Windowed Mode and then change it to Fullscreen once it has launched.
• You can press the "Scroll Lock" key on your keyboard to toggle the preset on and off.
Download Link:
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also getting drops in FPS(steady 30FPS)
@Razed why is the estus and items all blurry?
The original Shader works fine. Only rename dxgi.dll to d3d11.dll and done! ;-)
@Dhs92 - I ported it to ReShade 3.0 a while back but never officially released it anywhere. I also tweaked some stuff back when I did it.
Download Link:
Anyone know how to port this to ReShade v3? Would really like to use a controller while playing.
First off gotta say this has been my favorite DS3 reshade since launch.
Second, i'm suddenly having a weird issue and nowhere on the internet seems to have an answer. Out of the blue, DS3 won't launch properly when reshade is enabled - the process is there, but the game window no longer pops up. Have to end the process to be able to relaunch the game, but the game will only launch if I disable dxgi.dll.
Hey Razed, this setting looks great! thanks a lot. Quick question... are there settings that can be turned off in the game settings to enhance performance with no impact on the looks while using this mod? I didnt see any diff in graphics turning off lighting or antialising and got some fps in return. Thanks and regards!
@hanktheskank69 - That is normal because I have "YACA" enabled, which is a chromatic aberration shader. The text shouldn't be too blurry or odd looking, at least it's not on my screen. It depends on what resolution you are playing on. All my presets are meant for 1080p or above.
Hi Razed, thanks for this shader it's amazing! I didn't realize how much room for improvement there was.
Quick question though. With the shader applied, is it normal for the text to be a bit blurry and have a slight yellow tint to it? I'm not talking about the yellow text that pops up in the beginning when the game is loading. I'm talking about the menu text, the text on the loading screens, etc. Pretty much any in-game menu or loading text. Even the various icons for "Equip", "Inventory", "Status", etc. and the covenant icons all appear a bit blurry and have a yellow tint. It's a dramatic difference when I load up the game without the shader; the text/icons are bright white and very sharp. Is this normal?
Whenever I open the game, I get the warning x3571: pow(f, e) message. Whenever I click my mouse, the game crashes. Any help?
I need help! Every time I switch to Fullscreen mode (doesn't matter through game or with alt-enter) it just frozes and never wakes up. I turned off all the effects (just to be sure) and nothing changed. And starting game in windowed and then changing it to fullscreen is not a solution either.
Hi there, could you show me how to disable the options in your Resahde profile , I've already downloaded latest Reshade release. Great preset btw.
@Vianya - Try starting the game in windowed mode when using Steam Link.
To start in windowed mode, follow these instructions:
Go to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\DarkSoulsIII\ and open up 'GraphicsConfig.xml' in a text editor.
Change the screenmode from FULL to WINDOW and set whatever windowed mode resolution you want. Save the file and run Dark Souls III.
Once it is in windowed mode, you can press Alt+Enter to bring it to Fullscreen mode. Tell me if this helps resolve the black screen issue or the overlay issue.
@Razed - This is beautiful thank you! I have only one issue and I don't think it's really the responsibility of the preset to handle this, but I was wondering if you had any advice on how to work around it. This issue I'm having is that when I stream to my tv using Steam Link everything starts up as expected, the sounds and controls are streamed to tv, except I only see the black screen with the debug text on it. If I go back to my computer the game is displaying as expected and I don't see the black screen with the debug text being displayed on any monitor or anywhere for that matter. Since some of the settings of this preset seem to override steam's settings (for example I saw that after installing this, steam's built in fps overlay was not visible even though it was still enabled) is it possible that there is a setting that is overwriting what the visual source for streaming is? Removing the preset returned the streaming behavior to normal. I tried adjusting the settings of my nvidia card as described in this post about reshade / sweet fx not working with steamlink: http://steamcommunity.com/app/353380/discussions/0/490125737465043088/ Thanks so much for any help provided!
After some trial-and-error it seems that the 'Shader Quality' being set to Max was the culprit. There's seemingly no difference in graphical fidelity from Low to Max, so I set it to Low and that fixed it.
Brilliant ReShade. Would you happen to know by any chance why the majority of presets I download cause my game to crash when attacking enemies? So far, yours is the only one that doesn't crash on me. They all work fine on Dark Souls 2, but not 3. Also, that DoF file you linked doesn't work on my game, even though I'm running at 1920x1080. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
@Razed - My resolution is 3440X1440 and it's PERFECT! Thanks big time man!
@jaochoa - Download the DoF shader here: https://goo.gl/hheXjX
It will only work with resolutions of 1920x1080 or higher. Will not work with anything less than that.
@Razed - NICE DOF!!! Thanks Bro!
@Razed Thanks so much for the help. And keep up the amazing work, you've done a gr8 job!
There is an issue with certain games involving ReShade and Windows 10, so I advise you to mabe create a partition with Windows 7 or 8.1 and try playing on that. I'm almost certain that Win 10 is the cause for these GPU and framerate issues.
You could always ask the ReDhade devs about it here: http://reshade.me/forum/troubleshooting
@Razed Thanks for the response! Yes I am indeed using Windows 10. Is Win 7 advised?
Yes, I am using Windows 10. I assumed after pasting the files in my game folder that pressing undo paste would get rid of it all but for some reason dxgi.dll was still there so I just manually right click deleted it. My problem is that before this, I was able to play really smoothly with settings on high as auto-detected. But now, even with settings on low it still seems a littly choppy. And any any higher I get kicked out of online because of "detected frame rate..." issues.
@Timc16820 &@Skotison - Both of you have similar issues. Are any of you using Windows 10? I'm aware of the GPU usage/ loq fps issue occurring with certain games running on Win 10, due to lack of proper driver support. It's not something I have control over.
Have you both tried other Dark Souls 3 presets? If so, how was the performance? And a question for Timc16820, if you delete dxgi.dll then the reshade preset won't even launch, so how did you manage to do this? Perhaps I am not understanding correctly?
@Razed. Ahhh. I realised this was messed up in-game but I thought your presets would remove the offending effect. I have been in touch with Helifax on the #D vision board https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/925628/3d-vision/dark-souls-iii-3d-vision/.
So am I correct in assuming that no reshade presets are going to help here. Many thanks for getting back to me so promptly.
@Jayden - Hey man, I'm fully aware of the vignette issue, considering I created the thread on wsgf. It is a problem with the game itself though, not my preset. The game comes with its own vignette effect, which doesn't seem to support triple-wide resolutions properly.
Look at this page, I think "helifax" could possibly help create a fix: http://www.wsgf.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=95&t=30954&start=70
Could you please help me disable vignette. I have changed #define USE_VIGNETTE 1 to #define USE_VIGNETTE 0 in the Shaders_by_Ceejay.cfg file in the reshade/presets/default folder in the Dark Souls III game directory but this does not seem to be working.
I am playing in NVidia surround 5760 by 1080 and I think vignette is causing ugly almost black shadows in the outer 1/3rd to 1/2 of both my side monitors. You can see screenshots of this at http://www.wsgf.org/dr/dark-souls-iii/en. Any help would be much appreciated please.
Little update. I undo-ed the pasting of the sweetfx files to see if it would go back to normal without it. For some reason the game still had the white text on the top left so I checked my file directory again and saw the dxgi.dll there so deleted that and the white text was gone. Unfortunately after starting the game again, the fps issues still continued and even setting to medium the game removed me from online mode because of my frame rate. Really need help or its going to have to be a clean reinstall again. Thanks
I tried this preset after seeing how much better I thought the game looked with it on but immediately after installing it the fps dropped so much it rendered the game unplayable. I don't understand. I have an alienware 18 laptop that can play the game 1920x1080 at max settings but as soon as i put this on, even at lowest settings the game feels like its on 10 fps. Anybody have any ideas?
@Razed - I have SLI 980s and running in 4K, yet when I enable this preset my GPU usage goes all over the shop... Ranging from 15% to 99% every couple of seconds, and the framerate tanks. :( I have turned off Ambient Lighting. Any idea what else could be causing this?
@Razed I restart the computer to solve the problem ,thank you.
@Razed thank for you replay before the update I can run normally .But after the update I get to stop working when start the game What's the problem?
@guin - No, I don't need to update anything.
@jaochoa - Hey bro, I heard you like that super cinematic DOF: http://imgur.com/a/5bYaI
The game update and i get to stop working when start the game so i need to wait for this mod updating? Thank you!
Finally manage to make it works. I change dxgi to d3d11. Nice preset mate.
I'm looking to turn on DOF for screenshots - oh well - I'll just look for a different preset
@Nik_Darkstorm - Thanks! Glad you figured out how to disable vignette.
@jaochoa - This game doesn't have proper DoF support. It will blur the HUD. I think DoF doesn't look good in this game anyway.
Nvm, found it. Thanks again for this great preset. I remember your Witcher 3 work as well.
Best preset I've used.
Could you please tell me how to disable the vignette though?
How can I enable DOF? Thanks!
@czar915 - Open up 'Shaders_by_CeeJay.cfg', look for "#define USE_CA 1" and change the 1 to 0. Do the same in 'Shaders_by_MartyMcFly.cfg' and look for YACA.
How do I disable Chromatic Aberration???
@AncientRadiation How did you manage to make it works?
Hi everyone, i'm wondering why is it so blurry and what can i do to get it less blurry, Thanks !
Mine just stuck black screen. I can see the compiling effect succeed. Can someone help me?
@Razed Thanks. It looks like it's a larger issue that seems pretty widespread. Hopefully it's fixed at some point, because I really do want to utilize some of these presets.
Thanks again.
@Anno - There seems to be a problem with ReShade and users with Steam Controllers at the moment. I can't fix this. You should contact Valve or the ReShade devs at http://reshade.me/forum
@AncientRadiation - Use the Print Screen button to take screenshots. They will save in your DS3 game folder.
@NewYears1978 - I know it's caused by HSV but the problem is within the shader itself. Removing the negative values will not fix this.
You can feel free to contact the person who created the HSV shader at this link: https://www.facebook.com/MartyMcModding/
Any idea why setting this might make my Steam controller no longer work? It functions fine with the preset I have until I add in the ReShade folder and .dlls. Seems odd?
It's working for me now. How do I take screenshots which display the preset?
It's definitely caused by HSV though I see you have some negative values when the min show to allow 0..are you sure that's not the cause?
I will try HSV turned back on and see if it looks different to me.
@NewYears1978 - No, v1.2 still has the yellow line appearing for a few seconds. I'm unable to fix it because I believe the issue lies in the .dll file that comes with ALL ReShade packages.
@crazyjunkgames open SweetFX.cfg and find Chromatic change the 1 to 0
How to deactivate Chromatic Aberration?
@Razed, my friend and I couldn't notice the difference and we preferred no yellow error (we're OCD like that).
I tried fixing the negative value lines where the min is 0, but still threw the error. Did you fix it in your v1.2? If so we will upgrade else we'll just use it with HSV off.
Razed, i try to add you on Steam but idk which one is you, lot of people with the same name. Add me if you like so. Alexsnow5. Thanks for your effort man, it is really appreciated. Take care
Just updated Rekindled FX to v1.2, which uses the newest ReShade shaders. I also made slight adjustments to the Curves setting and a few other things.
@NewYears1978 - Actually, HSV does a lot and you will ruin the look of the preset. It helps reduce the yellows and adjusting the blues. While it may not look like much, you can test it in High Wall Lothric by turning it on and off to see how much it changes.
To anyone with yellow error, edit CustomFX.cfg and disable use_HSV. It doesn't do anything anyway.
#define USE_HSV 0 //[HSV] //-Allows to define individual color density
@NewYears1978 - It only causes a 5 second delay when you boot up the game. I can't fix it because I am not the person who created that ReShade shader. Lastly, it doesn't cause any sort of problem, it is just text on the screen that literally appears for a few seconds on boot. Everyone will have to deal with it.
Please fix the yellow error, I know it still works but it causes a delay and is also annoying.
Razed, dude your preset is to blame, is so fucking amazing, those bastards kill me often for staring to much at graphics. Hehehehe Thanks
@ Lightsoul & Ancientradiation
I have the same problem. Cant put my finger on why it's happening. Sometimes it crashes outright, sometimes I'm able to load in but when I go for an enemy instacrash. All reshade with dark souls 3 BTW. Frustrating because some folks have no problem so I know its something on my end. Maybe I'm missing some d3d libraries or something.
Hey. Mod installed, the effect appeared as if the image in 3D and see a yellow line of text that what is loaded.
How to fix it and is there any chance to get banned?
shader@.... warning x3571: pow (f, e) will not work for negative f, use abs(f) or conditionally handle negative values if you expect them
I have testet. I deled Reshade no prob. I start with Reshade... I hit a enemy CRASH...
No idea why but without Reshade (every Reshade profil) no problem.
@jcosovnikar12 & @Alexsnow5 - The yellow shader text only appears for a few seconds on bootup and shouldn't be an issue.
I can try to look for the reason it appears.
@Lightsoul - My preset should not cause that crash. Sounds like something else is going on there.
@kujazo - I doubt you'll get banned for using this.
One cuestion, somebody know if I apply sweetFX, i get banned online? :/
Hello i have a massive problem.
With your Presset the game crash instant when i hit a enemy. I have no idea why or what the problem is ???
Ps.: sorry for my English
Amazing job dude. I have the same yelow message... i don't know what's that but is working great
Working OK! But...I see this message in yelow:
Nvm, now is working my antivirus fucked up.
Worked for me... until i updated my nvidia drivers to the gameready version and then caput, no more reshade for me...
Sorry for my bad english.
@Razed Thanks for the quick reply :) I just wanted to be sure!
@MaelstromOC - That is normal, don't worry about it.
It works, but I get a yellow warning when it loads. Here's a screenshot. Any way to correct this? Or is it even causing an issue? Everything seems to work perfectly fine, but I don't know if I'm missing out on a setting because of it.
This is not working for me. Trying desperately. Just getting a crash with windows popup at the white screen on launch.
@Litanys - I doubt you will get banned for this.
I understand that SweetFX is mostly just adding files, but DS is very touchy with the idea of mods and can end in getting banned. Does this have the chance of someone getting banned?
@Razed now i read that you play in 4k+DoF
@Razed for you that you have 980 x2 gpu ofc it's optimized very well
@Raijin - I get 60fps as of the 1.03 patch update. They fixed performance issues in various areas. The game is optimized very well.
Nice! works pretty awesome with ds2 sotfs to
why u so curious about the fps in this game
game will be playble 60 fps smooth just like it did in I and II
but dont play it in 4k and DOF
thats it..so simple
you average at 50 fps with i7 5820k and 980 x2? then what about us that don't have that kind of beast PC? 20 fps?
such amazing preset..i keep looking into these screenshots everyday and prepare myself for the game after 2 days
@phroZac - Thanks, you will definitely like it :)
@Signex - I'm running on i7 5820k with GTX 980 in 2-way SLI. Game performance drops in certain areas and I average 50FPS, unless I downsample.
This is looking good! Looking forward to trying it out. :)
Ah, i thought so! What are your specs? are you be able to talk about performance? I have a i7 3770 and R9 390.
@Signex - Thanks! I have a press copy. We're allowed to show certain early-game areas.
Looks amazing, how are you playing already so early? VPN?