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(18+) Enhanced B/W Preset

Preset for Hatred
Created by Wolfinston
Added March 13, 2017
Updated 13 Mar 08:18 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
Given the fact that this game lacks colors, except in some specific aspects, i've decided to try and create a present that "enhance" those colors to try and make them stand out more. Gore, blood, destruction, fire, and explosions, are all "enhanced" with this preset. Screenshots are used in conjunction with "First Person Mod" not created by me. All credit for that mod goes to the creators, I merely made the preset to go along with the screenshots.
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/** * ____ ____ _ _ * | _ \ ___/ ___|| |__ __ _ __| | ___ * | |_) / _ \___ \| '_ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \ * | _ ' __/___) | | | | (_| | (_| | __/ * |_| \_\___|____/|_| |_|\__,_|\__,_|\___| * * ============================================================================= * ReShade Framework Globals * ============================================================================= */ // Global Settings #include "ReShade\PersonalFiles\KeyCodes.h" #include "ReShade\Common.cfg" #if RFX_Screenshot_Format != 2 #pragma reshade screenshot_format bmp #else #pragma reshade screenshot_format png #endif #if RFX_ShowFPS == 1 #pragma reshade showfps #endif #if RFX_ShowClock == 1 #pragma reshade showclock #endif #if RFX_ShowStatistics == 1 #pragma reshade showstatistics #endif #if RFX_ShowToggleMessage == 1 #pragma reshade showtogglemessage #endif // Global Variables #define RFX_PixelSize float2(BUFFER_RCP_WIDTH, BUFFER_RCP_HEIGHT) #define RFX_ScreenSize float2(BUFFER_WIDTH, BUFFER_HEIGHT) #define RFX_ScreenSizeFull float4(BUFFER_WIDTH, BUFFER_RCP_WIDTH, float(BUFFER_WIDTH) / float(BUFFER_HEIGHT), float(BUFFER_HEIGHT) / float(BUFFER_WIDTH)) uniform float RFX_Timer < string source = "timer"; >; uniform float RFX_FrameTime < source = "frametime"; >; uniform float RFX_TechniqueTimeLeft < string source = "timeleft"; >; // Global Textures and Samplers texture RFX_depthBufferTex : DEPTH; texture RFX_depthTex { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = R32F; }; texture RFX_backbufferTex : COLOR; #if RFX_InitialStorage texture RFX_originalTex { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RGBA8; }; #else texture RFX_originalTex : COLOR; #endif sampler RFX_depthColor { Texture = RFX_depthBufferTex; }; sampler RFX_depthTexColor { Texture = RFX_depthTex; }; sampler RFX_backbufferColor { Texture = RFX_backbufferTex; }; sampler RFX_originalColor { Texture = RFX_originalTex; }; #if RFX_PseudoDepth texture RFX_dMaskTex < source = "ReShade/BasicFX/Textures/dMask.png"; > { Width = 1024; Height = 1024; MipLevels = 1; Format = RGBA8; }; sampler RFX_dMaskColor { Texture = RFX_dMaskTex; }; #endif // Fullscreen Triangle Vertex Shader void RFX_VS_PostProcess(in uint id : SV_VertexID, out float4 pos : SV_Position, out float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD) { texcoord.x = (id == 2) ? 2.0 : 0.0; texcoord.y = (id == 1) ? 2.0 : 0.0; pos = float4(texcoord * float2(2.0, -2.0) + float2(-1.0, 1.0), 0.0, 1.0); } #if RFX_InitialStorage float4 RFX_PS_StoreColor(float4 vpos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target { return tex2D(RFX_backbufferColor, texcoord); } #endif #if RFX_DepthBufferCalc float RFX_PS_StoreDepth(in float4 position : SV_Position, in float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0) : SV_Target { #if RFX_PseudoDepth return tex2D(RFX_dMaskColor, texcoord).x; #endif float depth = tex2D(RFX_depthColor, texcoord).x; // Linearize depth #if RFX_LogDepth depth = saturate(1.0f - depth); depth = (exp(pow(depth, 150 * pow(depth, 55) + 32.75f / pow(depth, 5) - 1850f * (pow((1 - depth), 2)))) - 1) / (exp(depth) - 1); // Made by LuciferHawk ;-) return depth;; #else depth = 1.f/(1000.f-999.f*depth); return depth; #endif } #endif #if RFX_InitialStorage || RFX_DepthBufferCalc technique RFX_Setup_Tech < enabled = true; > { #if RFX_InitialStorage pass StoreColor { VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess; PixelShader = RFX_PS_StoreColor; RenderTarget = RFX_originalTex; } #endif #if RFX_DepthBufferCalc pass StoreDepth { VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess; PixelShader = RFX_PS_StoreDepth; RenderTarget = RFX_depthTex; } #endif } #endif // Global Defines #if defined(__RESHADE__) && __RESHADE__ >= 1700 #define NAMESPACE_ENTER(name) namespace name { #define NAMESPACE_LEAVE() } #else #define NAMESPACE_ENTER(name) #define NAMESPACE_LEAVE() #endif #define STR(name) #name #define EFFECT(l,n) STR(ReShade/l/##n.h) /** * ============================================================================= * Effects * ============================================================================= */ #include "ReShade\Pipeline.cfg" /** * ============================================================================= * Toggle Message * ============================================================================= */ #if RFX_ShowToggleMessage float4 RFX_PS_ToggleMessage(in float4 position : SV_Position, in float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0) : SV_Target { return tex2D(RFX_backbufferColor, texcoord); } technique Framework < enabled = RFX_Start_Enabled; toggle = RFX_ToggleKey; > { pass { VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess; PixelShader = RFX_PS_ToggleMessage; } } #endif


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