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Crow Lights FX 2 | v0_3_1

Created by Myloween
Added Sept. 28, 2017
Updated 21 Oct 18:56 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
Hey ! This package contain 2 Vanilla enhanced presets designed for "Total War : WARHAMMER II". ===================== Download Link : ===================== Crow Lights FX 2 - v0_3_1 Beta - : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B9AaipzJB6FeYlVSUUpVUnVQaUk?resourcekey=0-AQ5DdttIZzUO6XuMC4M0-g&usp=sharing *Changelog under "Show/Hide settings". =============== Details : =============== Effects used : - TUNINGPALETTE - AMBIENT LIGHT - LENSDIRT - GAUSSIAN ANAMFLARE - BLOOM - LUMASHARPEN - LEVELS - FILMGRAIN - DITHER *Contain my LUT textures PSD and some Neutral 4096x64/1024x32 LUT to make your own textures. _______________ Installation : Extract "Crow Lights Version" or "Vanilla Color Version" folder's files into your game directory. By default : [...]\Steam\steamapps\common\Total War WARHAMMER II __________ uninstall : Just remove the files. _______ Tips : - This preset is designed to run with the ingame vignette. [Shortcuts] - Scroll-lock > Activate/desactivate the preset ingame. - Print Screen > Take a screenshot. - Alt+K > Letterbox of Total War : Warhammer II. - K > Removes UI. - N > Change the Fov (to zoom in on units without clipping). ============== Credits : ============== - Thanks to phroZac for the original preset ~ IMPERATOR FX ~ https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/5631/
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=============================== Crow Lights FX Changelog : =============================== _____________________30/10/2017 Version v0_3_1 Beta - "GAUSSIAN_ANAMFLARE" changed to 1.65 amount by 1.35 for "Crow Lights" preset. - Black_point changed to 3 by 2 into "LEVELS" section for "Crow Lights" preset. _____________________06/10/2017 Version v0_3 Beta - New LUT texture for "Crow Lights" preset. - "BLOOM" Amount and Threshold settings increased for "Crow Lights" preset. - "AMBIENT_LIGHT" and "GAUSSIAN_ANAMFLARE" reworked to new bloom settings for "Crow Lights" preset. - Added new "BLOOM", "AMBIENT_LIGHT" and "GAUSSIAN_ANAMFLARE" settings (more punchy) for "Vanilla Color" preset as optional. _____________________05/10/2017 Version v0_2 Beta - LUT texture color correction reworked. - New "Vanilla Color" version available (no LUT). - "BLOOM" Amount and Threshold settings reworked for both presets. - "AMBIENT_LIGHT", "LENSDIRT" and "GAUSSIAN_ANAMFLARE" adapted to new bloom settings for both presets. _____________________05/10/2017 Version v0_1_2 Beta - LUT texture color correction. - Minor other changes. _____________________28/09/2017 Version v0_1_1 Beta - Total War : Warhammer 1 texture LUT added as optional. _____________________28/09/2017 Version v0_1 Beta - Initial Release.


23 Aug 22:42 CEST

Sorry I don't have Total War Rome 2, so unfortunately I can't.
Feel free to use it as your base to make your Rome 2 preset if you want. :)

22 Aug 20:55 CEST

@Myloween hi. please make Crow Light FX for Rome 2 Total War

5 Oct 00:41 CEST

I know that usually people do the opposite.
I tried a lot of settings and for me it's also interesting like this (like in snow weather), the problem is the dirt, I can't keep it as I want without washing the game.
It's a beta ported quickly of my warhammer 1 version, I'm working for improvement (some things don't please me either).
To be clear my first goal is to have visible dirts on maps, I build around it. But if I push only the dirts parameters, it's very terrible in battle maps, the sky explodes.

It's not really faded, it's depend on the place and the camera angle (distance), this preset is designed to be more "bright" and fanciful with the dirt, it probably will not please to everyone, I'm certain.
But I maked it foremost for me, I just put it at the disposal for those who want.

4 Oct 14:49 CEST

Hey I'm just wondering how you managed to get the game looking so good without SweetFX on... My game either looks way too bright and washed or brown/orangey :(. What is your gamma/brightness set to?

30 Sep 15:30 CEST

Hey thanks, I'm not 100% satisfied yet, but it's on the way. :p

Actually, I haven't really play yet (max 15 turns), so I give you only my first impression even though I'm a lot informed before.

This one keep on the line of the 1st, however you have a quite a lot of new subtleties/mechanics that's sound interesting in campaign and the vortex sounds like very nice to keep end-game interesting. Otherwise the battles are pretty similar.
So personnaly, I think it's on the good way, but maybe Warhammer 3 with crossed map will be the best of this trilogy (with most new content and new mechanics).

On warhammer 2 we don't have yet the crossed map "Mortal Empire", so I can"t speak about that, but that's sounds also interresting I guess (not like the instanced empire map).

I can only advise you to inquire about the game with videos or topics, I think it depend of what you like, personnaly I played on the 1st over 600 hours but I had not played on total war game since Medieval Total War 2, so it was a real pleasure for me to come back on this series. :)

30 Sep 11:57 CEST

Looks good, man! I'm still debating on whether to get this game or not, since I only played the first one for like 6 hrs. How does it stack up?

30 Sep 00:40 CEST

Hmm on screens look worse because "on" looks more foggy and less colorful than "off"

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