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gamma panel preset

Preset for Destiny 2
Created by ninjafada
Added Oct. 25, 2017
Updated 25 Oct 20:09 CEST
Shader used: Other
Preset description:
since reshade can't work and those idiot didn't add a contrast bar i'm using gamma panel to save a preset for D2 you can dl it here http://www.majorgeeks.com/mg/getmirror/gamma_panel,1.html or http://ninjafada.com/GAPA/gapa.zip
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gamma 1.2 brightness 2% contrast 1.16


27 Oct 04:36 CEST

oh i see. damn. thanks for doing what you could. I was so looking forward to making multiple reshades for this, as it worked during the beta. so dumb, literally no other game has needed to block reshade or third-party applications to this level to stop hacking. such a shame. Game does have some solid performance though, so they must know what they're doing, at least to some degree on pc. but fuck! lol. reshades and enbs are half the fun for gaming on pc for me.

26 Oct 13:20 CEST

the fps counter is the one provided in game Signex

AssassinsDecree did you read the description ? it's not reshade i'm using

26 Oct 04:05 CEST

I got it to work in the beta no problem, no such luck in fullgame.

26 Oct 04:05 CEST

I've tried everything i can think of to make it work. renaming, every version, etc. How the hell did you get it to work? I chose the destiny .exe. in the main folder. what'd you do? Please tell us.

25 Oct 21:18 CEST

I see you're using a fps overlay, be careful people are getting banned for it.
I don't even dare trying to run msi afterburner in the background lol even though overlay doesn't work.

25 Oct 20:31 CEST

reshade can't work

25 Oct 20:15 CEST

Haha, I was just wondering if any Des2 presets were going to show up. I figured there aren't any because of Bungie's aggressive banhammering. Does ReShade not even work?

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