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Game presets

Preset Game Added By Screenshots Downloads Shader
MAJ12/23 BladeRunner2077byAlonz2.0/1080P Cyberpunk 2077 Dec. 11, 2020 Alonz73 15 1367 ReShade
*** SWB Film Effects V3 - LIGHT *** Star Wars Battlefront Dec. 3, 2015 Altra0001 5 1367 ReShade
OmniFX Preset (Vibrant) X-Rebirth Sept. 20, 2014 Omnipotus 5 1366 SweetFX 1.5
FS15 Farming Simulator 2015 March 15, 2016 Randy 3 1365 SweetFX 2.0
K-putt'e Config Deadfall Adventures Nov. 15, 2013 K-putt 4 1365 SweetFX 1.5
REAL COLOR AND BRIGHTNESS Borderlands 2 Nov. 24, 2012 punchao 0 1365 SweetFX 1.3
Rivai's - Cinematic Unity Assassin’s Creed: Unity May 7, 2015 Rivai 13 1365 MasterEffect
[AP/TC] Visual Overhaul 2.0 X3:Terran Conflict Oct. 21, 2015 Gethema 16 1364 ReShade
dark sharp less blue tint Final Fantasy XIV ARR Dec. 5, 2012 ninjafada 0 1364 SweetFX 1.3
Non Destructive Filter Correction Battlefield 4 May 23, 2015 AWSHOM 7 1364 SweetFX 2.0
AH Improved 1 Aces High Feb. 15, 2014 Ack-Ack 1 1363 SweetFX 1.3
MotoGP 14 Settings MotoGP 14 July 6, 2014 LeonardK 1 1363 SweetFX 1.5
sharp and little contrast boost Might & Magic Heroes VI May 7, 2013 ninjafada 2 1363 SweetFX 1.4
A-Preset virus (ReShade +MasterEffect) Resident Evil: Revelations March 4, 2015 Alex.Outer 6 1362 MasterEffect
Beautiful Zelda The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild June 5, 2017 Giper_Devo4ka 12 1362 ReShade
Battlefield 3 Last Try! Update 1a Battlefield 3 Feb. 5, 2013 elajits 10 1361 SweetFX 1.2
Better Deus Ex HR | Ultra Realism Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut Aug. 30, 2017 aaronth07 19 1361 ReShade
Blood Dragon darker and shinny Far Cry 3 May 4, 2013 ninjafada 1 1361 SweetFX 1.4
OmniFX Preset (Dull) Marvel Heroes Sept. 19, 2014 Omnipotus 1 1361 SweetFX 1.4
Outlast II Cinematic HereticFX Outlast 2 April 26, 2017 ProphetHereticae 7 1361 ReShade
Ultra Graphics Cities : Skylines Cities: Skylines June 29, 2016 mbstudio 3 1361 SweetFX 2.0
☣PILLARS OF ETERNITY REMASTERED☣ Pillars of Eternity Feb. 29, 2016 Leone 3 1360 ReShade
Pizzadox Settings V 3.2 Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 3 July 28, 2014 pizzadox 4 1360 SweetFX 1.5
Real-fear edition based on K-putt Alien: Isolation Oct. 8, 2014 Kirro-boy 5 1360 SweetFX 1.5
My preset Bioshock Infinite March 28, 2013 whitelightning 12 1359 SweetFX 1.3