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SweetFX Manager
Posted 7 years ago
Hi is there any manager for SweetFX, Reshade easy install presets ? Like you only choose presets and manager download and put .ini presets in and make toggle on key for each or for group or all. Overwolf plugin seems to only work with GW2 Regards, Luka
Posted 7 years ago
Do you mean quick switching between presets?
Posted 7 years ago
Use radeonpro for sweet fx/mediator for old reshade New reshade is only easiest way however
Posted 7 years ago
Noirze, I am pretty sure he means to quick switch between different presets, not customize his own.
Posted 7 years ago
Radeonpro can be use for quick switch many preset.No need to make your own preset.You can do it with mediator too.
Posted 7 years ago
Hi, sorry to leave the topic, but is there a way to control spam on this site? For example the presets that were published followed ..?
Posted 7 years ago
Wait for moderator of this site.
Posted 7 years ago
+1 to what JuanBonX said. It's absurd. 20 pages of "empty" presents? Come on...
Posted 7 years ago
It affects the work of others. Thanks for answering. Greetings to both ;)
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