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Cell shading (cartoon effect, comic effect)
Posted 7 years ago
Hi everybody ? maybe some know how to make dark souls like this, i serh so long, but nothing ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9n5QW4NTmc like in this video
Posted 7 years ago
First, you will need Reshade 3.0. The black outline comes from Cartoon effect. As for the cell shading/simple textures, I have no idea. Possibly Surface Blur or or Tilt Shift.
Posted 7 years ago
Posted 7 years ago
SIMONNN It is old Reshade (Before 3.0) that had a cell shading shader Then light Carton fx and Gaussian Blur I will talk to Ganossa about merging it to Reshade 3.7
Posted 7 years ago
I just made this with Reshade 3.0.7 https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/7499/
Posted 7 years ago
QTmodz Really? I wonder why it was removed.
Posted 7 years ago
I don't know why , but i can't install reshade 3.0.7 I tryed to install but its never finish
Posted 7 years ago
@aaronth07 @SIMONNN Here you go lads i merged it for ye http://www.mediafire.com/file/7p3apec76ubaghu/Outline.fx Install Reshade 3.0, 3.2....3.7 etc and let it download the shaders (Don't Run the Game) Then Just drop that Cel Shading AKA Outline.fx in reshade-shaders\Shaders\ after you install Reshade 3.0+ for whatever game Open game follow menu and it will be there to activate and tweak.
Posted 7 years ago
I can not find reshade 3.0 - 3.0.6 and 3.0.7 did't work on my pc (i don't know why ... he juct crash everytime when I choose the game)
Posted 7 years ago
Maybe it because i tried to do it with dark souls II ? I mean that, 3.0.7 can't use with old games ... ?
Posted 7 years ago
I checked that no version works, it seems that I'm somehow not so setting what I need to install reshade 3.0 etc(i mean some program )
Posted 7 years ago
I solved the problem ... Net Fraemwork 4.5 Ok , thank for help , realy , it,s look cool
Posted 7 years ago
but i can't do like in video yet
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