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Game not running with ReShade/SweetFX
Posted 7 years, 6 months ago
Hi! Please, can somebody help me with my issue, please! I have problems with running game with ReShade/SweetFX. Problems actual for any versions of ReShade/SweetFX, and any games. For example: Games - Far Cry Primal, Watch Dogs 2 Far cry Primal - ReShade_1.1.0_with_SweetFX_2.0 Watch Dogs 2 - ReShade 3.0.6 Games launched well, i saw a screen splash... and then it's over. Nothing completely. Process on Task manager was created and then it's disappeared. Also i used a Razer Cortex. This problems are came when i installed a last videodriver from NVidia (378.49 25/01/2017). Before i updated a drivers, i used ReShade/SweetFX for both games, also, in same time i used razer cortex. In dxgi.log everytime i have a WARN: Far Cry Primal: | WARN | Reference count for 'IDXGIDevice' object 0000000001D1F370 is inconsistent: 2, but expected 1. Watch Dogs 2: | WARN | Reference count for 'IDXGIDevice1' object 0000016E8BA4DD60 is inconsistent: 2, but expected 1. and | WARN | Reference count for 'IDXGIDevice1' object 0000016E8BA4DD60 is inconsistent: 3221225474, but expected 1. How i solved this problems?
Posted 7 years, 6 months ago
same problem, did you fix it?
Posted 7 years, 6 months ago
No, i didn't. I found something: some sources to solve this problem offered to remove all the files from "bin" folder that contain the name of the "steam". BUT! I already have not any files in "bin" folder that contain the name of the "steam". Also, i sure that problem exactly in ReShade/SweetFX, because if i delete this - everything works well.
Posted 7 years, 6 months ago
well, I cant add too much: worked perfect in Watch Dogs 2, but then i installed razer cortex, disabled some windows services and boom: reshade doesnt work now. Any other game works fine for me
Posted 7 years, 6 months ago
I found solution for me: new nvidia drivers sucks, so i made a driver rollback from 378.49 to 376.33(you can make it in windows "device Manager")
Posted 7 years, 6 months ago
I try disable/completely close/turn off every process razer cortex, but it's not helped. Do I need to remove it? Why, then, to update the video driver everything worked well... Not understand.
Posted 7 years, 6 months ago
Thanks, i think the same think... but have not tried
Posted 7 years, 6 months ago
But in future. It's not a right desigion, i think.
Posted 7 years, 6 months ago
It was not razer cortex cause of the problem. It was new nvidia driver, so I installed the previous one. The new driver 378.49 is bad, try the previous 376.33.
Posted 7 years, 5 months ago
I agree. Hope the newest driver in future will be compatible with ReShade/SweetFX.
Posted 7 years, 5 months ago
The same garbage with WD2. The game runs only under the condition if set watchdogs2.exe compatibility with windows 8, but it only works up to the game menu, when you start the game - black screen is displayed only HUD (sight, mini-map, etc.) Even earlier version (0.19.2, 1.1.0f1) also do not work. I think the problem in the game, and in assemblies ReShade. All other games work with these versions. P.S. Forgotten, RE 7 does not work. When you return to the 376.33 driver, as many have advised, the situation is the same - black screen. I suspect that this is a conspiracy fuckin Denuvo
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