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9 hours, 8 minutes ago
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Posted 7 years, 4 months ago
Whether I do it from the launcher or the app itself (Tomb Raider.exe) it will not start. Not black screen or anything it just won't launch. I checked the .log file but couldn't find anything relevant, everything seemed normal. - Using SweetFX 2.0 + ReShade Preview 8 on DX 11. Update: I got the preset working with SFX 1.5.1 but the preset demands SFX 2.0 .
Posted 6 years, 7 months ago
Try uninstalling ReShade completely and setting your game to borderless-window mode instead of regular fullscreen mode. Reinstall reshade and launch. Probably fixed.
Posted 6 years, 7 months ago
is it the reshade's issue? like does it start without it? if it's because of the reshade, then you need to rename the reshade32 to dxgi
Posted 6 years, 7 months ago
Have you tried Reshade?
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