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Not working in Arma2 OA
Posted 9 years, 8 months ago
Hey Guys, i want to play arma2 oa (with dayz mod) with sweetfx but it doesn't work. When i put the files in the Game directory, the game crashes on startup as long as the d3d9.dll is in it - without it no sweet fx) (I disabled all overlays i have.) I tried a second option since i have a radeon: In radeonpro i start the ArmA2OA_BE.exe instead of ArmA2OA.exe with "0 0" as startparameter. (you have to do that if u dont start it via steam so battleye loads) Sweetfx is set up in radeonpro. But it doesn't work too, there is no difference in game. For radeon pro i use sweetfx 1.4 (newer not supported). In arma2oa i tried with sweetfx 1.5. Any suggestions?
Posted 9 years, 8 months ago
With Arma 2 you need to Install SweetFX both to the main directory and the Beta fodler where the Beta updates of the game are located.
Posted 9 years, 8 months ago
Also make sure you are using Ceejay's 1.5.1 because the other injector has problems with this game.
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