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SweetFX on Assassin's Creed Unity
Posted 6 years, 9 months ago
Hi, I tried to put SweetFx on my Assassin's Creed unity but it don't work. When I change the standard DDL files with the X64 DDL and run the game that tells me something with : CreateDXGIFFactory2 is not find in library system32\d3d11.dll I'm on Windows 10
Posted 6 years, 9 months ago
what version sfx do u using?? If v1.5 then is obviously not compatible with windows 10. Try using v2.0 or reshade
Posted 6 years, 9 months ago
This is a common error that happens with many Ubisoft games with SweetFX version 2.0 and older. The fix is to install Reshade 3.0 (download link at reshade.me). You should no longer have that error.
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