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Can't get SweetFX to work with FAR CRY 4
Posted 9 years, 7 months ago
I've been trying to get sweetfx to work with far cry 4, how have you guys managed it? I've tried 2 versions of sweetfx... the normal 1.5.1 version and the bolautaur x64 version... I'm running MSI after burner with riva tuner statistics. Because of this, I suspect there might be compatibility issues. Which is why I tried d3d compatibility support (in the rivatuner settings) and many other options. I tried toggling between fullscreen and borderless, tried re-activating sweetfx while in game (with the reset button) and as I write this I just remembered that the reset button in the new sweet fx is NOT the pause button ... which one is it again?
Posted 9 years, 7 months ago
Are you on an Nvidia card? Because you can use this preset and its files to get it working http://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/2584/ What OS are you on? Win 8.1? or 7?
Posted 9 years, 6 months ago
I don't know man. I can't get it to work either.
Posted 9 years, 5 months ago
Still couldn't make it work. I haven't tried bitrain's files... but to be honest, sweetfx 1.5.1 is just WAYYY too much trouble at the moment of typing this compared to using sweetfx 1.4 which is 100 times less hassle... I'm waiting till sweetfx (64 bit support) becomes more robust and official
Posted 8 years, 2 months ago
SweetFX version 2, has 2 dll files in it. You need the one that says ReShade64.dll and the other 3 files only. the other 3 files that is needed are 1)SweetFX.fx 2)ReShade.fx 3)and the SweetFX folder. These 4 files need to be placed manualy in the folder, where the games executable file is.... for example: FarCry4.exe ....or FarCry4(64) or whatever the name is. DO NOT copy the ReShade32.dll file in the game, probably it will crash it. And then you can open the SweetFX_settings.txt, to activate or deactivate the effects that you like.
Posted 8 years, 2 months ago
I don't think ReShade was a thing 1.5 years ago, mitsoswu... By the way... Welcome to the Crypt of the NecroPoster!
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