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Soldier of Fortune

Entry created by brazzjazz
Added Oct. 11, 2018
SweetFX game notes:
NOTE: Chances are that ReShade's opengl32.dll won't load when you start the game. This is because Windows connects SoF.exe to an entry in its Application Compatibility Database and loads its own opengl32.dll. To prevent that, either rename the SoF.exe to something else, or if you need to keep the filename as it is, you can do it the hard way (involving downloading a Microsoft tool). See this thread: https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/1075623/geforce-drivers/is-there-a-way-to-prevent-nvidia-drivers-from-loading-its-own-opengl-library-opengl32-dll-for-a-specific-game-/ Microsoft tool: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/get-started/adk-install (only choose the compatibility tool in the installer). NOTE 2: If ReShade's anti-aliasing (SMAA) does not work, you can force other anti-aliasing modes (I recommend 4x or 8x MSAA) through Nvidia Profile Inspector (create a new entry there for Soldier of Fortune and manually add SoF.exe). Not sure what the corresponding AMD tool would be or whether the Crimson drivers themselves allow for such a thing. In addition, the inofficial SoFPlus patch provides additional graphics options (FOV, AA, DoF etc.)

Game presets

Preset Added By Screenshots Downloads Shader
NaturalZ Oct. 11, 2018 brazzjazz 1 706 ReShade
SoF Preset Aug. 16, 2021 gorkemyvz 2 372 ReShade


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