Put all files into your bin AND root folder of the game.
I'm not sure what exatly had to be in which folder. So i just copied everything to both.
You don't have to disable Anti Aliasing. Just disable MSI Afterburner,Rivatuner or similar programs.
This was almost 2 years ago. I'm sure things have changed on Afterburners part. And i was just too lazy to figure out the correct install procedure for SweetFX. =P
9 Sep 00:39 CEST
First, you don't need to copy to two folders; just remove folder names at the paths in the Main.h file from the Shaders folder. Then you can copy SweetFX only to the bin folder, how it should be. :)
Secondly, I don't have to disable MSI Afterburner or the OSD...
This was almost 2 years ago. I'm sure things have changed on Afterburners part. And i was just too lazy to figure out the correct install procedure for SweetFX. =P
First, you don't need to copy to two folders; just remove folder names at the paths in the Main.h file from the Shaders folder. Then you can copy SweetFX only to the bin folder, how it should be. :)
Secondly, I don't have to disable MSI Afterburner or the OSD...