6 minutes ago
Ryse : Son of Rome
SweetFX game notes:
At the moment it seems RadeonPro is the only option to get SweetFX working for some folks.
I can confirm that the new SFX alpha does work with Ryse without RadeonPro.
Perhaps "eFX" will work too, not tested tho...
Once the new SFX hits you'll need to extract all SweetFX files into the following directory = \Steam\SteamApps\Common\Ryse Son of Rome\Bin64\
*Edited by Omnipotus
☣ Quentin's ♣ Beautiful ♣ Rome ☣
Preset is updated
Is there any sweetfx that don't require RadeonPro to work? This is all for RadeonPro, isn't it?
Here is the SweetFx+eFx that i'm using.
And it is working for me without RadeonPro.
My System Specs:: OS: Windows 8.1 Pro. 64Bit :: CPU: i7 980 @ 4,2GHz :: GPU: GTX Titan @ 1100/6300MHz :: Ram: 12GB DDR3 1600. And i'm using MSI Afterburner (
!Very Important!
Deactivate Steam-Overlay in the Game-Settings.
Just try it :)
@ Capopiramide - by "mess" I was refering to your "game description" which had nothing at all to do with SFX notes... for future reference, this area for each game is supposed to be fore sfx specific fixes/steps to get it working, not another area you post your preset info, thats what the "Game Preset" section is for :D
To confirm for those who are still oblivious to RadeonPro having NOTHING to do with AMD at all.. yes Nvidia users can use it too...
The presets don't care about what kind if graphics card you use, they both work with Nvidia. Getting SweetFX to work with Ryse is the problem here, at the moment it seems that RadeonPro is the only option.
And yes RadeonPro works with Nvidia too, just use it's the SweetFX feature (with x64 support) and leave everything else disabled, tutorials are available on Youtube.
But I found out that RadeonPro will crash the game if you use another GPU tool like MSI Afterburner at the same time, so you have to close these while playing with RadeonPro.
you downloaded sweetfx Boulotaur2024 ?
Nvidia. Both these presets clearly only work with ATI
which graphics card you have?
How about presets that actually work with the larger majority of graphic cards. That'd be great.
what mess?
Gonna edit this mess soon lol...