1 month ago
Preset | Added | By | Screenshots | Downloads | Shader |
Call of Duty AW Ultra Rellikstic FX | Nov. 9, 2014 | Da_Rellik | 9 | 3137 | SweetFX 1.5 |
COD AW with SweetFX 2.0 & ReShade | Dec. 27, 2014 | Ironduke1337 | 7 | 1464 | SweetFX 1.5 |
Fav0r1te's - AW Enhanced Image | Jan. 13, 2016 | Fav0r1te | 6 | 954 | SweetFX 2.0 |
GAMER HANDSOME GRAPHICS AW | May 16, 2016 | XxCgamer360xX | 10 | 918 | SweetFX 2.0 |
PhotorealisticCODAW | Oct. 16, 2021 | Chavolatra | 8 | 413 | ReShade |
Realistic Atmosphere | March 4, 2015 | Vlidus | 7 | 2643 | Other |
sharp and little contrast boost | Nov. 4, 2014 | ninjafada | 5 | 1277 | SweetFX 1.5 |
True Realistic | April 20, 2016 | Enigma | 3 | 830 | ReShade |
ULTIMATUM GRAPHICS:MAKE IT POSSIBLE | May 17, 2016 | XxCgamer360xX | 11 | 986 | SweetFX 2.0 |
ULTIMATUM GRAPHICS►V2◄:MAKE IT POSSIBLE | June 7, 2016 | XxCgamer360xX | 5 | 1257 | ReShade |
UltraFXRealistitc | Nov. 5, 2014 | m2kreturns | 22 | 3272 | SweetFX 1.4 |
_× Ultra Realistic ×_ | July 25, 2017 | Owais.ubm | 0 | 781 | ReShade |
See that:
UltraFXRealistitc is the best reshade profile. Congrat
This Preset + Links + Guides is Up Dated ;)
if you do download a better crack or verify the game files via steam if you dont know how to do it just google it
i have no clue dood im not playing it anymore
what version of the game you using the cracked one?
How did you manage to make sweetfx work with the game. All I keep getting is the "steam must be running..." error message... or if I start the game using it's exe (rather than starting the game using sweetfx configurator) sweetfx hooks but I can't see anything in the game, I get a white or black screen whilst the game is running... as if sweetfx ain't hooking properly (this is on a w7 64 bit machine using sweetfx 1.5.1)
it is no longer necessary to use radeon pro. use crosires ReShade Injector.
DOWNLOAD SWEETFX 1.5.1 x64/32bit HERE: http://www.yourfilelink.com/get.php?fid=998194
Download Radeon Pro (latest version) Install it.. download SweetFX 1.5.1 x64 or x32 (latest version) place it My Documents/SweetFx Files. Load Radeon pro.. click on Settings (small cog wheel icon) go to SweetFX in the list and tick 'enable SweetFX Integration', choose the location of your sweet fx folder i.e. C:/My Documents/SweetFx Files, where asked and choose a Toggle SweetFX key I use 'HOME' .. The close that window and go to PROFILE (NOT Global) button and SweetFX tab, tick and 'enable SweetFX' . DRAG your Game ICON.exe (ACU.exe) into the open window on the left area (or you can browse and add executable to the profile window). Click on the executable now in the Profiles window then you will see at the bottom right side IMPORT SETTINGS.. *Make sure you download mine or any other SFX Lazy Settings into a folder of your choice.. (I make a folder on desktop called SWEETFX Settings) then click on 'Import Settings' and click on the downloaded sfx preset file you downloaded. Finally.. after you have imported you will see a list of all active shader commands above Import Settings button.. RIGHT click on the ACU.exe in the profiles window, click 'apply now' and Right click and select 'play' *(I recommend you close Radeon Pro and re-open and then Right click and play it from inside radeon pro SweetFX window)
RABEONPRO INJECTOR is only for ATI cards right?
cool it's good to know thank you
Works perfect with SweetFX 1.47 and RadeonPro !
You can run Afterburner at the same time, with OSD. You just need to set D3D compatibility mode on, in RivaTuner Statistics Server, and disable the Stealth Mode.
Moreover, it's possible to take double screenshots from both Afterburner and RadeonPro, with the same shortcut ! This way, you have both captures, with and without SweetFX. Cheers :D
(Upside with SweetFX enabled, downside without).
yoi386 following this tutorial, it will help you can be
turned off all the same result ... just a black screen, if you set a 32 bit game starts sootvtstvenno but without effect, becoming just 64 black screen
must close fraps, msi afterburner, rivaturner statistic, anything that contains an OSD
as radeon pro is incompatible with
Help please! can not start sweetfx do all the instructions, I play all the games with him, but the call of dyty AW poluchvetsya not run, and probyval versions 1.4, 1.5.1, and the result is the same, and rocked this archive for radeon pro
32 bits game starts but there is no effect, I put in the program 32 \ 64 just a black screen, as well probyval folder in the same game after copying folders SweetFX_x64 black screen how to deal with it ... Until that everything is always played without radeon pro tsshtvschtsy 7x 64? thanks in advance
You'll need to download the rar in my Preset description to get same results as me it includes the RadeonPro 1.5.1 Darkness Fix
Cinema 4D™ ;)
the radeonpro is beta right now and theres still some bugs there
Disregard my comment, I got it working for Radeon Pro after some tweaking. SweetFX looks great on this game!
Not working for me either, I get a black screen in-game. Works only during the menus. Will RadeonPro work with my GTX 780ti or is it AMD cards only?
Ok. I will try. Thx.
use radeonpro on this game as i said its was my bad
boulotaur2024 isnt working on this game
[14:34:40] D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain redirected successfully
[14:34:40] Hooking swapchain...
[14:34:40] D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain redirected successfully
[14:34:41] Created DeferredContext successfully !
[14:34:42] Using only SWFX shaders and no AA
[14:34:42] SWFX enabled
[14:34:48] SWFX disabled
[14:34:49] SWFX enabled
[14:34:50] SWFX disabled
[14:34:51] SWFX enabled
SORRY GUYS MY BAD USE RABEONPRO INJECTOR ON THIS GAME - http://www.radeonpro.info/download/
sweetfx loading on the game first of all?
check the log.txt in the game folder and paste it here
Loading in, but cinematics and the game is only a black screen, so doesnt working for me. Win 7 x64.
working with radeonpro only for me
where did you putted the files?
not working for me with boulotaur2024 injector in dx11 64