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Created by Clarity
Added Dec. 6, 2019
Updated 16 Dec 06:37 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
Techniques Used: Clarity: Increase image quality [Disable for extra FPS] FakeHDR: Add rich tone Levels: Increase White & Black Levels [Reduce black if to dark - personal choice] LumaSharpen - Remove image blur + Tonemap - Alter base tone Reshade Used: 4.3 HOW TO INSTALL: 1. Download Reshade Installer from https://reshade.me 2. Extract and Run 'Reshade_Setup_4.3.X.exe' 3. Click the "Select Game" button and navigate windows explorer to <DRIVE>\Steam\steamapps\common\DarksidersGenesis\ProjectMayhem\Binaries\Win64 4. Select 'DarksidersGenesis-Win64-Shipping' application file and click 'Open' 5. Click 'Directx 10+' as the rendering API 6. Click 'Yes" to download a collection of standard effects 7. Uncheck All and choose 'Clarity', 'FakeHDR', 'Levels', 'LumaSharpen.fx' and 'Tonemap.fx' from the list of effects to install and select 'OK' to complete installation 8. Download my 'DSG - BOOSTED" preset and copy it to <DRIVE>\Steam\steamapps\common\DarksidersGenesis\ProjectMayhem\Binaries\Win64 directory 9. Launch DarkSiders Genisis and press "HOME" to open Reshade Configuration 10. Select 'Continue' to begin Reshade configuration 11. From the drop down menu select 'DSG - BOOSTED' preset and select 'Continue', then 'Continue" and 'Finish' 12. Select the 'Settings' tab and define a desired 'Effects Toggle Key' (END as an example) 13. From the 'Settings' tab change 'Configuration Mode' to 'Performance Mode' and close Reshade (HOME)
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Techniques=Levels,Tonemap,LumaSharpen,HDR,Clarity TechniqueSorting=Levels,Tonemap,LumaSharpen,HDR,Clarity PreprocessorDefinitions= [Clarity.fx] ClarityBlendMode=2 ClarityRadius=3 ClarityOffset=2.000000 ClarityDarkIntensity=0.400000 ClarityBlendIfDark=50 ClarityBlendIfLight=205 ClarityStrength=0.400000 ClarityViewBlendIfMask=0 ClarityLightIntensity=0.000000 ClarityViewMask=0 [LumaSharpen.fx] pattern=1 sharp_strength=3.000000 sharp_clamp=0.035000 offset_bias=1.000000 show_sharpen=0 [FakeHDR.fx] HDRPower=1.300000 radius1=0.793000 radius2=0.870000 [Tonemap.fx] Defog=0.020000 Bleach=0.000000 Gamma=1.000000 Exposure=0.000000 Saturation=0.000000 FogColor=1.000000,0.441176,0.000000 [Levels.fx] BlackPoint=8 WhitePoint=235 HighlightClipping=0


16 Apr 04:55 CEST

Thanks, this is a very slick and nice-looking preset. A few install steps were missing but no big deal... Reshade is easy to use unless you're a complete boob :)

Hope to see more presets done by you.

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