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Created by pr0metheus
Added April 7, 2020
Updated 7 Aug 09:21 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
GAIA-FX aims to smoother the transition between the 2D hand drawn backgrounds and 3D models on screen without them sticking out as well as adding a a few subtle effects giving this Dreamy-hazy look without destroying the original art direction. The original PSX version with a simple CRT shader was my go-to version but after seeing the enhancements the Steam version brings to the table by adding high quality 3D models , skippable FMV's , Cheats & Boosters , AI Upscaled Backgrounds through Moguri Mod and Shaders among other things it quickly became my "Definitive Edition"
*Warning: This preset is just my personal taste and not everyone may like the changes, feel free to tweak it to your liking and/or disable shaders*
The Preset was made using Moguri Mod (it's a must have) and on a 1440p Monitor. •Features: - SMAA * Apply Post-Processing Antialiasing, better than FXAA as it doesn't blur. - AdvancedCRT * CRT like Shaders is a must for the game to blend the 2D/3D elements onscreen. - Clarity * Clarity is used to boost the contrast a bit to help with the softer image - PPFX Bloom * Bloom is used to apply the classic Bloom effect with a bit of vibrancy on the highlights. It helps blur the image alongside with the CRT Shader to have an even blend between 2D/3D elements though it doesn't always work best. Applies some color changes also. - AdaptiveSharpen * Sharpens the image to bring back some of the details due to overall blur - LiftGammaGain * Small correction to the midtones/highlights. - Tonemaps * Small boost to the Exposure. - FilmGrain2 * Noise is often used in Photoshop for smoother transition of shades in photos. The idea is that it helps masking some of the banding and sometimes it gives the "illusion" of more detail. It looks best in motion and not on still images. •How to use: 1) Download the preset from here => https://www.mediafire.com/file/s0p6n8eelyzv8na/Gaia-FX.v2.zip/file and extract to your game folder where the exe is found [C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY IX\x64] 2) Launch the game (i'm using the x64 exe) and it will be applied automatically The HOME key is to open Reshade's UI The END key in to toggle ON/OFF the Shader Preset The INS key is for screenshots •Additional Info - You can disable the Bloom vibrancy by changing the value of [pBloomSaturation] to "0" - You can increase/decrease the AdaptiveSharpen by changing the value of [curveslope] - You can tweak the CRT Shader's Scanlines Effect to your liking by changing the [Resolution] value according to your Screen and adjust the [Brightness] value if it's Dark/Bright. - You can increase/decrease the intensity of the FilmGrain by tweaking the value of [grainamount] - If you play the game using the original 4:3 aspect ratio you can enable the [Borders] Shader to hide the game's overlay by applying a black box around the screen - I'm using Nvidia's SGSSAA 8x using the bit "0x004000C1" in Nvidia Inspector so all 3D has no aliasing. - Due to how Shaders work in the whole screen and not in parts of the image the text in the game will be blurred also. •Change-log -Gaia-FX.v2: Added SMAA , LiftGammaGain , Tonemaps & Tweaked AdvancedCRT scanlines. I hope you like it and enjoy this beautiful game
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23 Jun 19:24 CEST

Download link is broken

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