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RealShade + RTGI

Created by DunArd
Added Sept. 25, 2020
Updated 30 Sep 11:48 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
"RealShade" is a Reshade preset made for any game that enhances shadows and lights without making any colour adjustment to respect the original vision of the game developers. This preset has been created with a 400 nits VA monitor, keep in mind that depending on the monitor you've and the personal settings that you've put the preset may be better or worse. Also, Realshade is designed to work with and without RTGI, the only difference is the Ambient Occlusion of RTGI and FPS impact of the preset.
RealShade: • ApplyLUT • RTGI** • Filmic Anamorph Sharpen* • FXAA* • SMAA*
*Filmic Anamorph Sharpen, FXAA and SMAA are configurated, but I left it disabled because not all the games need more sharpness or has bad AA. If you want to use it I left it you to your decision. **To get RTGI you need to be a $5 tier member of Marty McFly patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mcflypg Instalation: 1. Go to https://reshade.me/ 2. Download the installer and execute it. 3. Install by selecting the game's (if you don't see the game, press browse and select the executable of the game in the folder where you installed it). 4. Select the correct API of your game. 5. Of the shaders you are given to choose to download, choose the ones I've put on my list (FXAA, FilmicAnamorphSharpen and SMAA) and press OK. 6. Press "Edit Reshade Settings", call preset "RealShade" or whatever you want, select path for effects and textures clicking '...' (there are in reshade-shaders folder) and activate "Performance Mode" and "Skip Tutorial", then, press OK and close Reshade Installation window. 6. Download RealShadeLUT.rar from https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mzGDCEJTkythmG-VAq6-hNsBd1zLH4XE and unzip where it's the game executable with Reshade. 7. Go to "game".exe folder and create a new document called "RealShade".ini (ended with ".ini", never with ".txt") 8. Copy my preset from here (Press Show Settings), paste in "RealShade".ini and save. 9. Open game, press Home in the keyboard and select RealShade.ini pressing in the banner under Home, Settings, Statistics, etc... 10. Close Reshade menu pressing Home in the keyboard. I hope you will enjoy it! All credits to Crosire, Marty McFly and Fubaxiusz.
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PreprocessorDefinitions=INFINITE_BOUNCES=1 Techniques=ApplyLUT TechniqueSorting=RTGlobalIllumination,ApplyLUT,FilmicAnamorphSharpen,SMAA,FXAA [FilmicAnamorphSharpen.fx] Clamp=0.650000 Coefficient=0 DepthMask=4294967295 DepthMaskContrast=128 Offset=0.035000 Preview=0 Strength=45.001900 UseMask=4294967295 [FXAA.fx] EdgeThreshold=0.200000 EdgeThresholdMin=0.001000 Subpix=0.500000 [LutTools.fx] LutChromaLuma=0.000000,0.550000 LutRes=32 VerticalOrietation=0 [SMAA.fx] CornerRounding=25 DebugOutput=0 EdgeDetectionThreshold=0.050000 EdgeDetectionType=1 MaxSearchSteps=32 MaxSearchStepsDiagonal=16 [qUINT_rtgi.fx] RT_AO_AMOUNT=1.000000 RT_DEBUG_VIEW=0 RT_FADE_DEPTH=0.000000,0.500000 RT_FILTER_MODE=1 RT_IL_AMOUNT=0.000000 RT_IL_BOUNCE_WEIGHT=0.000000 RT_RAY_AMOUNT=3 RT_RAY_STEPS=20 RT_SAMPLE_RADIUS=1.500000 RT_SIZE_SCALE=1.000000 RT_Z_THICKNESS=1.000000 SKY_COLOR=1.000000,0.000000,0.000000 SKY_COLOR_AMBIENT_MIX=0.200000 SKY_COLOR_AMT=4.000000 SKY_COLOR_SAT=1.000000


6 Oct 03:03 CEST

Subtle, but nice. I like it.

25 Sep 09:37 CEST

I'll put screenshots when server works well, here it is a comparison: https://imgsli.com/MjMyODE

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